首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology >Propagation Measurements and Modeling for Low Altitude UAVs From 1 to 24 GHz

Propagation Measurements and Modeling for Low Altitude UAVs From 1 to 24 GHz

机译:1至24 GHz低空无人机的传播测量和建模

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In most countries, small (<2 kg) and medium (<25 kg) size unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) must fly at low altitude, below 120 m, and with permanent radio communications with ground for control and telemetry. These communications links can be provided using 4G/5G networks or dedicated links, but in either this case the communications can be significantly degraded by frequent Non Line of Sight (NLoS) propagation. In this case, reflection and diffraction from ground objects are critical to maintain links, and hence accurate propagation models for this must be considered. In this letter we present a model for path loss when the UAV is flying in NLOS conditions. The study is based on measurements made at frequencies of 1, 4, 12, and 24 GHz with a UAV flying in a suburban environment. Measurements have been used to model NLOS propagation below 4 GHz, where the dominant mechanism is diffraction, and above 4 GHz where multipath is the dominant propagation mechanism. The model can be of use in predicting excess losses when UAVs fly in suburban NLOS conditions.
机译:在大多数国家/地区,小型(<2千克)和中型(<25千克)无人飞行器(UAV)必须在120 m以下的低空飞行,并具有与地面的永久无线电通信以进行控制和遥测。可以使用4G / 5G网络或专用链路来提供这些通信链接,但是在这种情况下,频繁的非视距(NLoS)传播会严重降低通信质量。在这种情况下,来自地面物体的反射和衍射对于维持链接至关重要,因此必须考虑为此而建立的精确传播模型。在这封信中,我们提出了无人机在非视距飞行条件下飞行时的路径损耗模型。这项研究基于在郊区环境中飞行的无人机在1、4、12和24 GHz频率下进行的测量。测量已用于对NLOS传播进行建模,其中4 GHz以下是主要机制是衍射,而4 GHz以上的多径是主要传播机制。该模型可用于预测无人机在郊区NLOS条件下飞行时的超额损失。



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