首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology >Performance of combined diversity reception and convolutionalcoding for QDPSK land mobile radio

Performance of combined diversity reception and convolutionalcoding for QDPSK land mobile radio


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Diversity reception and error correction coding are powerfulntechniques to combat multipath fading encountered in mobile radioncommunications. In order to improve the transmission performance of thenΠ/4-shift QDPSK signal in mobile radio channels, the authors proposena new scheme of combined coding and diversity reception, i.e.,ncombination of diversity reception employing code combining (CC) andnconvolutional coding employing error-and erasure correction Viterbindecoding. They also consider another combination scheme, i.e.,ncombination of diversity reception employing postdetection maximal rationcombining (MRC) and convolutional coding employing hard decision Viterbindecoding. They theoretically analyze the performance of the schemesntaking into account the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN), random FMnnoise, co-channel interference (CCI), and intersymbol interference (ISI)ndue to multipath propagation delay spread. Numerical calculations arenpresented for the required average signal energy per bit-to-noise powernspectral density ratio (Eb/N0), required averagensignal-to-interference power ratio (SIR), tolerable maximum Dopplernfrequency, and tolerable rms delay spread needed to achieve a certainnaverage BER. The spectrum efficiency of the cellular system is alsoncalculated
机译:分集接收和纠错编码是强大的技术,可以对抗在移动无线电通信中遇到的多径衰落。为了提高移动无线电信道中π/ 4移QDPSK信号的传输性能,作者提出了一种新的编码和分集接收组合方案,即,采用码合并(CC)的分集接收与采用差错编码的卷积编码相结合。纠删维特宾解码。他们还考虑了另一种组合方案,即采用检测后最大定量组合(MRC)的分集接收组合和采用硬判决维特宾解码的卷积编码。他们从理论上分析了该方案的性能,并考虑了由于多径传播延迟而引起的加性高斯白噪声(AWGN),随机FMnnoise,同信道干扰(CCI)和符号间干扰(ISI)。给出了针对每位噪声功率所需的平均信号能量n频谱密度比(Eb / N0),所需的平均n信号干扰功率比(SIR),可承受的最大多普勒频率和可承受的rms延迟扩展以实现一定平均值的数值计算误码率蜂窝系统的频谱效率也无法计算



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