首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology >Mobility-Aware Admission Control Schemes in the Downlink of Third-Generation Wireless Systems

Mobility-Aware Admission Control Schemes in the Downlink of Third-Generation Wireless Systems


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In this paper, novel connection admission control (CAC) algorithms that take into account the effect of mobility of users both inside and outside the cell in the downlink of third-generation mobile systems are developed. First, the system capacity, including the other-cell interference, subject to feedback between cells is studied. Then, effective bandwidth expressions for calls are obtained as a function of both their location in the cell as well as their class of traffic (i.e., voice versus data). Next, this formulation is used to derive two mobility-aware admission control algorithms, i.e., a priority CAC, where calls are accepted not only upon resource availability, but also through acceptance ratios that reflect their levels of priority, and a squeezing CAC, where elastic calls may be squeezed to a minimum agreed value, giving way to admit more calls in the system and to secure further ongoing mobile users. Using Markovian analysis, several performance measures are obtained, namely the blocking probability, the dropping probability, both intracell and intercell, as well as the overall cell throughput. The authors eventually investigate the performance of our CAC and show how to extend the Erlang capacity bounds, i.e., the set of arrival rates such that the corresponding blocking/dropping probabilities are kept below predetermined thresholds



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