首页> 外文期刊>Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on >Performance Analysis of Multihop Wireless Links Over Generalized- Fading Channels

Performance Analysis of Multihop Wireless Links Over Generalized- Fading Channels


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The performance of multihop links is studied in this contribution by both analysis and simulations when communicating over generalized-K (KG) fading channels. The performance metrics considered include symbol error rate (SER), outage probability, level crossing rate (LCR), and average outage duration (AOD). First, the expressions for both the SER and outage probability are derived by approximating the probability density function (pdf) of the end-to-end signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) using an equivalent end-to-end pdf. We show that this equivalent end-to-end pdf is accurate for analyzing the outage probability. Then, the second-order statistics of LCR and AOD of multihop links are analyzed. Finally, the performance of multihop links is investigated by either simulations or evaluation of the expressions derived. Our performance results show that the analytical expressions obtained can be well justified by the simulation results. The studies show that the KG channel model and the expressions derived in this paper are highly efficient for the prediction of the performance metrics and statistics for the design of multihop communication links.
机译:在通过广义K(K G )衰落信道进行通信时,通过分析和仿真研究了多跳链路的性能。所考虑的性能指标包括符号错误率(SER),中断概率,水平交叉率(LCR)和平均中断持续时间(AOD)。首先,通过使用等效的端到端pdf近似端到端信噪比(SNR)的概率密度函数(pdf),得出SER和中断概率的表达式。我们表明,该等效的端到端pdf对于分析中断概率是准确的。然后,分析了多跳链路的LCR和AOD的二阶统计量。最后,通过模拟或评估派生表达式来研究多跳链接的性能。我们的性能结果表明,仿真结果可以很好地证明所获得的解析表达式。研究表明,K G 信道模型和本文得出的表达式对于预测多跳通信链路的性能指标和统计数据非常有效。



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