首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control >Sparse Convolutional Beamforming for 3-D Ultrafast Ultrasound Imaging

Sparse Convolutional Beamforming for 3-D Ultrafast Ultrasound Imaging


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Real-time 3-D ultrasound (US) provides a complete visualization of inner body organs and blood vasculature, crucial for diagnosis and treatment of diverse diseases. However, 3-D systems require massive hardware due to the huge number of transducer elements and consequent data size. This increases cost significantly and limit both frame rate and image quality, thus preventing the 3-D US from being common practice in clinics worldwide. A recent study presented a technique called sparse convolutional beamforming algorithm (SCOBA), which obtains improved image quality while allowing notable element reduction in the context of 2-D focused imaging. In this article, we build upon previous work and introduce a nonlinear beamformer for 3-D imaging, called COBA-3D, consisting of 2-D spatial convolution of the in-phase and quadrature received signals. The proposed technique considers diverging-wave transmission and achieves improved image resolution and contrast compared with standard delay-and-sum beamforming while enabling a high frame rate. Incorporating 2-D sparse arrays into our method creates SCOBA-3D: a sparse beamformer that offers significant element reduction and, thus, allows performing 3-D imaging with the resources typically available for 2-D setups. To create 2-D thinned arrays, we present a scalable and systematic way to design 2-D fractal sparse arrays. The proposed framework paves the way for affordable ultrafast US devices that perform high-quality 3-D imaging, as demonstrated using phantom and ex-vivo data.



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