首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control >Two-step hybrid virtual array ray (VAR) technique for focusingthrough the rib cage

Two-step hybrid virtual array ray (VAR) technique for focusingthrough the rib cage


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A new methodology for focusing ultrasonic beams noninvasively innthe presence of the rib cage is investigated. This investigation isnmotivated by the need to employ high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU)nusing phased array applicators for the treatment of liver tumorsnpartially shadowed by the rib obstacles. This approach enables us tonefficiently perform the ultrasound computational analysis and patternnsynthesis in the interior region of the rib cage. The proposed techniquenconsists of two main steps. First, a virtual array is introduced alongnthe intercostal spacings between the solid ribs to generate thenprespecified intensity levels at a set of control points within thentarget region. The second step involves the design of the actual feednarray that induces the virtual sources between the intercostal spacings.nThis design optimization is carried out via the pseudo-inverse techniquen(minimum norm least squares solution) and by enforcing a constrainednpreconditioned pseudo-inverse method. The proposed procedure calculatesnthe required primary sources (feed array) while maintaining minimalnpower deposition over the solid obstacles



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