首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing >Low-Complexity Data Reusing Methods in Adaptive Filtering

Low-Complexity Data Reusing Methods in Adaptive Filtering


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Most adaptive filtering algorithms couple performance with complexity. Over the last 15 years, a class of algorithms, termed "affine projection" algorithms, have given system designers the capability to tradeoff performance with complexity. By changing parameters and the size/scale of data used to update the coefficients of an adaptive filter but without fundamentally changing the algorithm structure, a system designer can radically change the performance of the adaptive algorithm. This paper discusses low-complexity data reusing algorithms that are closely related to affine projection algorithms. This paper presents various low-complexity and highly flexible schemes for improving convergence rates of adaptive algorithms that utilize data reusing strategies. All of these schemes are unified by a row projection framework in existence for more than 65 years. This framework leads to the classification of all data reusing and affine projection methods for adaptive filtering into two categories: the Kaczmarz and Cimmino methods. Simulation and convergence analysis results are presented for these methods under a number of conditions. They are compared in terms of convergence rate performance and computational complexity.



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