首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing >Kernel estimation of the instantaneous frequency

Kernel estimation of the instantaneous frequency


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Considers kernel estimators of the instantaneous frequency of a slowly evolving sinusoid in white noise. The expected estimation error consists of two terms. The systematic bias error grows as the kernel halfwidth increases while the random error decreases. For a nonmodulated signal g(t), the kernel halfwidth that minimizes the expected error is proportional to h/spl sim/[(/spl sigma//sup 2/)/(N|/spl part//sub t//sup 2/g|2)]/sup 1/5/ where /spl sigma//sup 2/ is the noise variance and N is the number of measurements per unit time. The author shows that estimating the instantaneous frequency corresponds to estimating the first derivative of a modulated signal, A(t)exp(i/spl phi/(t)). For instantaneous frequency estimation, the halfwidth which minimizes the expected error is larger: h/sub 1,3//spl sim/[(/spl sigma//sup 2/)/(A/sup 2/N|/spl part//sub t//sup 3/(e/sup i/spl phi/~(t/))|/sup 2/)]/sup 1//$ u7. Since the optimal halfwidths depend on derivatives of the unknown function, the authors initially estimate these derivatives prior to estimating the actual signal.
机译:考虑白噪声中缓慢发展的正弦曲线瞬时频率的核估计量。预期估计误差由两个项组成。系统偏差随着内核半角宽度的增加而增大,而随机误差则减小。对于非调制信号g(t),最小化预期误差的内核半宽与h / spl sim / [(/ spl sigma // sup 2 /)/(N | / spl part // sub t // sup成比例2 / g | 2)] / sup 1/5 /,其中/ spl sigma // sup 2 /是噪声方差,N是每单位时间的测量次数。作者表明,估计瞬时频率对应于估计调制信号的一阶导数A(t)exp(i / spl phi /(t))。对于瞬时频率估计,最小化预期误差的半宽度较大:h / sub 1,3 // spl sim / [(/ spl sigma // sup 2 /)/(A / sup 2 / N | / spl part / / sub t // sup 3 /(e / sup i / spl phi /〜(t /))| / sup 2 /)] / sup 1 // $ u7。由于最佳半宽度取决于未知函数的导数,因此作者在估算实际信号之前首先估算了这些导数。



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