首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics >Intelligent magnetic-amplifier-controlled soft-switching method for amplifiers and inverters

Intelligent magnetic-amplifier-controlled soft-switching method for amplifiers and inverters


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This paper proposes a simple efficient soft-switching method for switching power converters, inverters and amplifiers. Soft switching of a DC/AC H-bridge power converter is realized by paralleling two auxiliary switches and a magnetic amplifier with the load. The auxiliary switches are turned on at a predetermined time before the commutation of the main switches. The magnetic amplifier then automatically determines the necessary amount of redirection current to ensure soft switching of all switches under any load conditions. This method requires no expensive sensors or complex control circuitry. It is ideal for class-D audio power amplifiers, where the load current is widely changing. Further applications include DC/DC power converters, motor drivers, uninterruptible power supplies (UPS), communication and space power applications, where high efficiency, low electromagnetic interference (EMI) and small size are crucial.
机译:本文提出了一种用于开关电源转换器,逆变器和放大器的简单有效的软开关方法。通过将两个辅助开关和一个磁放大器与负载并联,可以实现DC / AC H桥功率转换器的软开关。辅助开关在主开关换向之前的预定时间接通。然后,磁放大器自动确定必要的重定向电流量,以确保在任何负载条件下所有开关的软切换。这种方法不需要昂贵的传感器或复杂的控制电路。它是负载电流变化很大的D类音频功率放大器的理想选择。其他应用包括DC / DC电源转换器,电动机驱动器,不间断电源(UPS),通信和空间电源应用,在这些应用中,高效率,低电磁干扰(EMI)和小尺寸至关重要。



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