首页> 外文期刊>Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on >An Improved Grid-Voltage Feedforward Strategy for High-Power Three-Phase Grid-Connected Inverters Based on the Simplified Repetitive Predictor

An Improved Grid-Voltage Feedforward Strategy for High-Power Three-Phase Grid-Connected Inverters Based on the Simplified Repetitive Predictor


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When faced with distorted grid voltage, more harmonics will appear in the output currents of the grid-connected inverters. The grid-voltage feedforward strategy, as the most direct solution to compensate the harmonics, however, is seriously affected by the errors in the grid-voltage feedforward loop, such as delays. This issue is more significant for high-power inverters, where the switching frequency is relatively low (< 5 kHz), and the grid-interface inductance is small (< 0.5 mH). The errors mainly include the signal distortion caused by the conditioning circuits, the control delay of the digital controller, and the zero-order hold (ZOH) characteristic of pulse width modulation (PWM). In this paper, several improvements have been made to reduce the signal distortion and compensate the delays. A second-order Butterworth low-pass filter in the conditioning circuit is carefully designed with the maximum flat magnitude response and the almost linear phase response to avoid distorting the measured grid voltage. Furthermore, based on the conventional repetitive predictor, an open-loop simplified repetitive predictor is proposed to compensate the delays in the grid-voltage feedforward loop. Three predictive steps are achieved by the open-loop simplified repetitive predictor to compensate the delays: one step for the delay caused by the conditioning circuit, the second step for the control delay of the digital controller, and the third step for the ZOH characteristic of PWM. The effectiveness of the improved grid-voltage feedforward strategy are experimentally validated on a 250-kVA solar power generation system, where the current harmonics are effectively attenuated. In addition, the inverter starting current is suppressed.
机译:当电网电压失真时,并网逆变器的输出电流中会出现更多的谐波。然而,作为补偿谐波的最直接解决方案,电网电压前馈策略受到电网电压前馈环路中的误差(例如延迟)的严重影响。对于开关频率相对较低(<5 kHz),电网接口电感较小(<0.5 mH)的高功率逆变器,此问题尤为重要。误差主要包括调节电路引起的信号失真,数字控制器的控制延迟以及脉宽调制(PWM)的零阶保持(ZOH)特性。在本文中,已经进行了一些改进,以减少信号失真并补偿延迟。调节电路中的二阶巴特沃斯低通滤波器经过精心设计,具有最大的平坦幅度响应和几乎线性的相位响应,以避免使测得的电网电压失真。此外,基于常规的重复预测器,提出了一种开环简化的重复预测器,以补偿电网电压前馈环路中的延迟。开环简化重复预测器可实现三个预测步骤,以补偿延迟:调整电路造成的延迟的第一步,数字控制器的控制延迟的第二步,以及ZOH特性的第三步。 PWM。改进的电网电压前馈策略的有效性已在250 kVA太阳能发电系统上进行了实验验证,该系统可有效衰减电流谐波。另外,抑制了逆变器的启动电流。



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