首页> 外文期刊>Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on >A Rapid Assay to Measure the Shielding of Iron Oxide Cores by the Particle Shell

A Rapid Assay to Measure the Shielding of Iron Oxide Cores by the Particle Shell


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The conjugation of magnetic nano- and microparticles with biomolecules and its analysis very often require a dense coating of the iron oxide to prevent any reaction with redox-sensitive molecules or ions. The shielding of the iron oxide cores in different types of magnetic particles was compared by rapid assays that are based on the analysis of redox reactions. The oxidation of cysteine to the corresponding cysteine disulfide in the presence of incompletely covered iron oxide was analyzed with Ellman's reagent. Similar results were obtained by analysis of the reduction of copper (II) to copper(I) by the magnetite containing particles under the conditions of the Bicinchoninic Acid (BCA) assay. We show the assay results for different commercially available magnetic particles in the size range of 20 nm to 30 $mu$m and conclude that an incomplete coverage of the iron oxide cores requires the comparison with reference particles in redox-sensitive assays, e.g., for the characterization of the protein coating or of the density of functional groups on the particle surface.
机译:磁性纳米微粒与生物分子的结合及其分析通常需要致密的氧化铁涂层,以防止与氧化还原敏感的分子或离子发生任何反应。通过基于氧化还原反应分析的快速测定法比较了不同类型磁性颗粒中氧化铁芯的屏蔽性能。用Ellman试剂分析了在未完全覆盖的氧化铁存在下半胱氨酸氧化为相应的半胱氨酸二硫化物的过程。通过在比辛可宁酸(BCA)测定条件下分析含磁铁矿颗粒将铜(II)还原为铜(I),可获得类似的结果。我们显示了尺寸为20 nm至30的不同市售磁性颗粒的测定结果,并得出以下结论:氧化铁核的不完全覆盖需要在氧化还原敏感测定中与参考颗粒进行比较,例如,用于蛋白质涂层的表征或颗粒表面官能团的密度。



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