首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Transactions on Magnetics >Testing of high current by-pass diodes for the LHC magnet quench protection

Testing of high current by-pass diodes for the LHC magnet quench protection


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Within the framework of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) R&D programme, CERN is performing experiments establish the current carrying capability of irradiated diodes at liquid Helium temperatures for the superconducting magnet protection. Even if the diodes are degraded by radiation dose and neutron fluence, they must be able to support the by-pass current during a magnet quench and the de-excitation of the superconducting magnet ring. During this discharge, the current in the diode reaches a maximum value up to 13 kA and decreases with an exponential time constant of 100 s. Two sets of 75 mm wafer diameter epitaxial diodes, one irradiated and one non-irradiated, were submitted to this experiment. The irradiated diodes have been exposed to radiation in the accelerator environment up to 20 kGy and then annealed at room temperature. After the radiation exposure the diodes had shown a degradation of forward voltage of 50% which reduced to about 14% after the thermal annealing. During the long duration high current tests, one of the diodes was destroyed and the other two irradiated diodes showed a different behaviour compared with non-irradiated diodes.
机译:在大型强子对撞机(LHC)研发计划的框架内,欧洲核子研究组织(CERN)正在进行实验,以建立液态氦温度下辐照二极管的载流能力,以进行超导磁体保护。即使二极管因辐射剂量和中子注量而退化,它们也必须能够在磁体失超和超导磁体环消磁期间支持旁路电流。在放电过程中,二极管中的电流达到最大值,高达13 kA,并以100 s的指数时间常数减小。两组75mm晶片直径的外延二极管,一组经过辐照,另一组未经辐照。辐照过的二极管已经在加速器环境中暴露于高达20 kGy的辐射,然后在室温下退火。辐射暴露后,二极管的正向电压下降了50%,在热退火后下降到大约14%。在长时间的高电流测试中,一个二极管被破坏,另外两个辐照二极管与非辐照二极管相比表现出不同的行为。



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