首页> 外文期刊>Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on >Numerical and Experimental Validation of Optimization Results in Microwave Enhanced Infrared Landmines’ Detection

Numerical and Experimental Validation of Optimization Results in Microwave Enhanced Infrared Landmines’ Detection


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Landmines still pose a serious threat mostly to civilians. Therefore, there is no doubt that working on the methods of landmines’ detection and liquidation should be considered extremely important. In this paper, we introduce the active infrared thermography with microwave excitation used in nonmetallic landmines’ detection. The effectiveness of the method is strongly dependent on the manner in which microwaves illuminate the ground. In this paper, we propose a new waveguide flange’s construction, which guarantees the uniform field distribution, and through this, a relatively uniform microwave heating on a certain area. The flange’s shape is based on box-horn. Its dimensions will be determined using a hybrid optimization algorithm. Results obtained in an optimization process will be validated using the numerical models. The experiments showing flange’s efficiency, concerning heating of sand itself and sand with buried landmines, will also be presented.



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