
Security of Cached Content in NDN


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In Named-Data Networking (NDN), content is cached in network nodes and served for future requests. This property of NDN allows attackers to inject poisoned content into the network and isolate users from valid content sources. Since a digital signature is embedded in every piece of content in NDN architecture, poisoned content is discarded if routers perform signature verification; however, if every content is verified by every router, it would be overly expensive to do. In our preliminary work, we have suggested a content verification scheme that minimizes unnecessary verification and favors already verified content in the content store, which reduces the verification overhead by as much as 90% without failing to detect every piece of poisoned content. Under this scheme, however, routers are vulnerable to verification attack, in which a large amount of unverified content is accessed to exhaust system resources. In this paper, we carefully look at the possible concerns of our preliminary work, including verification attack, and present a simple but effective solution. The proposed solution mitigates the weakness of our preliminary work and allows this paper to be deployed for real-world applications.
机译:在命名数据网络(NDN)中,内容被缓存在网络节点中并用于将来的请求。 NDN的此属性使攻击者可以将受毒内容注入网络并将用户与有效内容源隔离。由于NDN架构中的每个内容都嵌入了数字签名,因此,如果路由器执行签名验证,则会丢弃有毒内容。但是,如果每个路由器都对每个内容都进行了验证,那么这样做将过于昂贵。在我们的初步工作中,我们提出了一种内容验证方案,该方案可以最大程度地减少不必要的验证,并青睐内容存储库中已验证的内容,这样可以将验证开销减少多达90%,而不会检测到所有中毒的内容。但是,在这种方案下,路由器容易受到验证攻击,其中访问大量未验证的内容以耗尽系统资源。在本文中,我们仔细研究了初步工作中可能存在的问题,包括验证攻击,并提出了一种简单而有效的解决方案。提出的解决方案减轻了我们前期工作的不足,并允许将本文部署到实际应用中。



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