首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. >High-Resolution Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification via Key Filter Bank Based on Convolutional Neural Network

High-Resolution Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification via Key Filter Bank Based on Convolutional Neural Network


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High-resolution remote sensing (HRRS) image scene classification has attracted an enormous amount of attention due to its wide application in a range of tasks. Due to the rapid development of deep learning (DL), models based on convolutional neural network (CNN) have made competitive achievements on HRRS image scene classification because of the excellent representation capacity of DL. The scene labels of HRRS images extremely depend on the combination of global information and information from key regions or locations. However, most existing models based on CNN tend only to represent the global features of images or overstate local information capturing from key regions or locations, which may confuse different categories. To address this issue, a key region or location capturing method called key filter bank (KFB) is proposed in this article, and KFB can retain global information at the same time. This method can combine with different CNN models to improve the performance of HRRS imagery scene classification. Moreover, for the convenience of practical tasks, an end-to-end model called KFBNet where KFB combined with DenseNet-121 is proposed to compare the performance with existing models. This model is evaluated on public benchmark data sets, and the proposed model makes better performance on benchmarks than the state-of-the-art methods.
机译:高分辨率遥感(HRRS)图像场景分类由于其在一系列任务中的广泛应用而引起了巨大的关注。由于深度学习(DL)的快速发展,基于卷积神经网络(CNN)的模型对HRRS图像场景分类具有竞争性成就,因为DL的出色的表示能力优异。 HRRS图像的场景标签极大地依赖于关键区域或位置的全局信息和信息的组合。然而,基于CNN的大多数现有模型倾向于代表图像的全局特征,或者夸大来自关键区域或位置的本地信息,这可能会混淆不同类别。为解决此问题,在本文中提出了一个关键区域或位置捕获方法,称为密钥过滤器库(KFB),KFB可以同时保留全局信息。该方法可以与不同的CNN模型组合以提高HRRS图像场景分类的性能。此外,为了便于实际任务,提出了一种名为KFBNet的端到端模型,其中提出了与Densenet-121组合的KFB与现有模型进行比较。该模型在公共基准数据集上进行评估,所提出的模型在基准测试中具有比最先进的方法更好的性能。



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