首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Network >A Flexible QoS-aware Service Gateway for Heterogeneous Wireless Networks

A Flexible QoS-aware Service Gateway for Heterogeneous Wireless Networks


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The integration of different types of wireless access networks, or heterogeneous wireless networks (HWN), is emerging. This article investigates in particular how a combination of UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunications System) cellular networks, wireless LAN ad hoc networks, and DVB-H (digital video broadcasting - handheld) broadcasting networks, called UWD networks for short, is constructed and managed to provide users with QoS-aware services. Given the complexity of the UWD networks, a novel policy-based service gateway is proposed. As a software framework sitting over and communicating with the UWD network, this UWD service gateway makes network management decision by reasoning over a set of predefined policies that describe the behaviors of the UWD network. Network variables such as bandwidth, delay, and mobility in policies are fuzzified using fuzzy control theory to make the service gateway (as well as the whole UWD network) more flexible and robust. Both the prototype implementation and the evaluation results indicate the feasibility and effectiveness of the system
机译:不同类型的无线接入网络或异构无线网络(HWN)的集成正在兴起。本文特别研究了如何构建和管理UMTS(通用移动电信系统)蜂窝网络,无线LAN ad hoc网络和DVB-H(数字视频广播-手持式)广播网络(简称为UWD网络)的组合,并进行管理。为用户提供QoS感知服务。考虑到UWD网络的复杂性,提出了一种新颖的基于策略的服务网关。作为坐在UWD网络上并与UWD网络通信的软件框架,此UWD服务网关通过推理一组描述UWD网络行为的预定义策略来做出网络管理决策。网络变量(例如带宽,延迟和策略的可移动性)使用模糊控制理论进行模糊处理,以使服务网关(以及整个UWD网络)更加灵活和健壮。原型的实施和评估结果均表明了该系统的可行性和有效性。



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