首页> 外文期刊>IEEE journal of selected topics in quantum electronics >Ultrafast Forwarding Architecture Using a Single Optical Processor for Multiple SAC-Label Recognition Based on FWM

Ultrafast Forwarding Architecture Using a Single Optical Processor for Multiple SAC-Label Recognition Based on FWM


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We propose and demonstrate a novel ultrafast label processor that can recognize multiple spectral amplitude coded (SAC) labels using four wave mixing (FWM) sideband allocation and selective optical filtering. Our proposed solution favors hardware simplicity over bandwidth efficiency in order to achieve ultrafast label recognition at reasonable cost. Our implementation, unlike all other optical label processing techniques, does not require time gating, envelope detectors, or serial-to-parallel converters. Labels are transmitted simultaneously with the payload, improving temporal efficiency at the expense of spectral efficiency. Note that bandwidth efficiency can be improved through a frequency management scheme that uses irregular spacing of wavelengths for payload and label, a complexity overhead in management similar to that in long-haul networks employing irregular spacing of carriers to avoid FWM products. We present two experiments of the single processor for ultrafast forwarding using first optoelectronic and then all-optical switches. In the first experiment, we use 10 SAC labels with minimum bin separation of 25 GHz, 10 Gb/s variable-length data packets, and forward packets over 200 km using electrooptical switches. In the second experiment, all-optical switching at 40 Gb/s is demonstrated using a SAC family for up to 36 labels. We present details on the families of spectral codes for label recognition, using unequally spaced frequency bins. A code family with weight 2 and length 9 uniquely identifies 36 labels. Hardware complexity is moderate compared with short-pulse code labels (mode-locked laser) techniques. Two stable tunable lasers are required for label generation of this code family; all other hardware is commercial, off-the-shelf components such as semiconductor optical amplifiers, array waveguide gratings, optoelectronic switches, and photodetectors.
机译:我们提出并演示了一种新颖的超快标签处理器,该处理器可以使用四波混频(FWM)边带分配和选择性光学滤波来识别多个频谱幅度编码(SAC)标签。我们提出的解决方案在带宽效率上更注重硬件的简单性,以合理的成本实现超快速的标签识别。与所有其他光学标签处理技术不同,我们的实现不需要时间选通,包络检测器或串并转换器。标签与有效载荷同时发送,从而以频谱效率为代价提高了时间效率。注意,可以通过一种频率管理方案来提高带宽效率,该方案将波长的不规则间隔用于有效载荷和标签,管理方面的复杂性开销类似于采用载波的不规则间隔以避免FWM产品的长途网络。我们介绍了使用单光电开关和全光电开关进行超快转发的单处理器的两个实验。在第一个实验中,我们使用10个SAC标签,这些标签具有25 GHz的最小条带间隔,10 Gb / s可变长度的数据包,以及使用电光交换机转发超过200 km的数据包。在第二个实验中,使用SAC系列演示了多达36个标签的40 Gb / s全光交换。我们使用不等间距的频点,介绍了用于标签识别的频谱代码系列的详细信息。权重为2,长度为9的代码族唯一标识36个标签。与短脉冲代码标签(锁模激光)技术相比,硬件复杂度适中。该代码系列的标签生成需要两个稳定的可调谐激光器。所有其他硬件都是商用的现成组件,例如半导体光放大器,阵列波导光栅,光电开关和光电探测器。



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