首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications >Panda: Neighbor Discovery on a Power Harvesting Budget

Panda: Neighbor Discovery on a Power Harvesting Budget


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Object tracking applications are gaining popularity and will soon utilize energy harvesting (EH) low-power nodes that will consume power mostly for neighbor discovery (ND) (i.e., identifying nodes within communication range). Although ND protocols were developed for sensor networks, the challenges posed by emerging EH low-power transceivers were not addressed. Therefore, we design an ND protocol tailoredfor the characteristics of a representative EH prototype: the TI eZ430-RF2500-SEH. We present a generalized model of ND accounting for unique prototype characteristics (i.e., energy costs for transmission/reception, and transceiver state switching times/costs). Then, we present the Power Aware ND Asynchronously (Panda) protocol, in which nodes transition between the sleep, receive, and transmit states. We analyze Panda and select its parameters to maximize the ND rate subject to a homogeneous power budget. We also present Panda-D, designed for non-homogeneous EH nodes. We perform extensive testbed evaluations using the prototypes and study various design tradeoffs. We demonstrate a small difference (less than 2%) between experimental and analytical results, thereby confirming the modeling assumptions. Moreover, we show that Panda improves the ND rate by up to 3× compared with related protocols. Finally, we show that Panda-D operates well under non-homogeneous power harvesting.
机译:对象跟踪应用正变得越来越流行,并将很快利用能量收集(EH)低功耗节点,这些节点将主要为邻居发现(ND)消耗功率(即,识别通信范围内的节点)。尽管ND协议是为传感器网络开发的,但新兴EH低功耗收发器带来的挑战并未得到解决。因此,我们设计了针对代表性EH原型的特性量身定制的ND协议:TI eZ430-RF2500-SEH。我们提出了一种ND模型的通用模型,该模型考虑了独特的原型特征(即,发射/接收的能源成本以及收发器状态切换的时间/成本)。然后,我们提出了Power Aware ND异步(Panda)协议,其中节点在睡眠,接收和发送状态之间转换。我们分析熊猫并选择其参数以在均匀功率预算下最大化ND率。我们还将介绍为非均匀EH节点设计的Panda-D。我们使用原型进行广泛的测试台评估,并研究各种设计折衷方案。我们证明了实验结果与分析结果之间的微小差异(小于2%),从而证实了建模假设。此外,我们证明,与相关协议相比,熊猫可将ND率提高多达3倍。最后,我们表明Panda-D在非均匀功率收集下运行良好。



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