首页> 外文期刊>ICES Journal of Marine Science >Managing fisheries from space: Google Earth improves estimates of distant fish catches

Managing fisheries from space: Google Earth improves estimates of distant fish catches

机译:从太空管理渔业:“ Google地球”改进了对远距离鱼获量的估计

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Global fisheries are overexploited worldwide, yet crucial catch statistics reported to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) by member countries remain unreliable. Recent advances in remote-sensing technology allow us to view fishing practices from space and mitigate gaps in catch reporting. Here, we use Google Earth to count intertidal fishing weirs off the coast of six countries in the Persian Gulf, otherwise known as the Arabian Gulf. Although the name of this body of water remains contentious, we use the name used in Google Earth. Combining, in a Monte Carlo procedure, the number ofweirs (after correcting for poor resolution and imagery availability) with assumptions about daily catch and fishing season lengths, we estimate that 1900 (± 79) weirs contribute to a regional catch up to six times higher than the officially reported catches of 5260t. These results, which speak to the unreliability of officially reported fisheries statistics, provide the first example of fisheries catch estimates from space, and point to the potential for remote-sensing approaches to validate catch statistics and fisheries operations in general.
机译:全球渔业在世界范围内被过度开发,但是成员国向粮食及农业组织(粮农组织)报告的重要捕捞统计数据仍然不可靠。遥感技术的最新进展使我们能够从太空观察捕捞活动,并减轻渔获量报告方面的差距。在这里,我们使用Google Earth来计数波斯湾(又称阿拉伯海湾)六个国家海岸附近的潮间带捕鱼堰。尽管此水域的名称仍有争议,但我们使用Google Earth中使用的名称。在蒙特卡洛程序中,将堰的数量(校正了较差的分辨率和图像可用性之后)与每日捕捞量和捕鱼季节长度的假设相结合,我们估计1900(±79)个堰对区域捕捞的贡献率要高六倍比官方报告的5260t这些结果表明,官方报告的渔业统计数据不可靠,这是从空间上估算渔业产量的第一个例子,并指出了采用遥感方法验证总产量和​​整个渔业活动的潜力。



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