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The Information FrameWork


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John Zachman's framework for information systems architecture has been widely discussed since its publication in the IBM Systems Journal in 1987. This paper shows how the development of the Information FrameWork (IFW) has built upon the ideas presented by Zachman. However, the objectives and scope of IFW are broader than that of the original Zachman framework. IFW is described and compared with the original Zachman structure, showing the evolution, changes, and the rationale behind the changes based on experiences from within the financial services industry. This paper also shows how the structure of IFW has been populated by industrywide models and supported by a distinctive methodology. A detailed discussion of each of the six dimensions of the IFW architecture is presented.
机译:自1987年在IBM系统杂志上发表以来,约翰·扎克曼(John Zachman)的信息系统体系结构框架就得到了广泛的讨论。本文显示了信息框架(IFW)的开发是如何基于扎克曼提出的思想的。但是,IFW的目标和范围比原始的Zachman框架要广泛。对IFW进行了描述,并与原始的Zachman结构进行了比较,根据金融服务行业的经验显示了其演变,变化以及变化背后的原理。本文还说明了IFW的结构是如何被行业模型所填充,以及如何被独特的方法所支持的。提出了对IFW体系结构六个维度中每个维度的详细讨论。



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