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Irgana hydroelectric power plant: natural conditions, Layout, and status of construction


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The Irgana hydroproject is under construction in a difficult-to-access mountain locale in the northern Cau- casus in the Republic of Daghestan. It is incorporated in the series of Sulak hydroelectric plants, and is situated on a principal tributary of the Sulak River-Avarskoe Koisu River-in the constricted zone of the Chirkey Reservoir. The hydroproject assumes complex national-economic significance: the effect of its construction will be Manifested in the power industry, in the additional irrigation of 18, 000 ha of land in lowlands surrounding the Caspian Sea, in highway construction (an access road to the hydroproject with its extension to the commonwealth of National Governments' 4.3-km-long Giminsk motor-transport tunnel is a principal element of the radical reconstruction of the Highway network in mountainous Daghestan), and in the enhancement of the socio-economic position of region.
机译:达格斯坦共和国北部高加索省北部一个交通不便的山区正在建设Irgana水利项目。它被纳入Sulak水力发电厂系列中,并且位于Chirkey水库狭窄地区的Sulak河-Avarskoe Koisu河的主要支流上。该水利项目具有复杂的国民经济意义:其建设的影响将在电力行业,在里海周围低地的18,000公顷土地的额外灌溉,公路建设(该水利项目的通往道路)中得到体现。它扩展了国民政府的4.3公里长的吉明斯克(Giminsk)机动车隧道,这是对达格斯坦山区山区公路网络进行根本性重建的主要要素,并提高了该地区的社会经济地位。



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