首页> 外文期刊>Hydrology research >Seasonal Groundwater Storage Anomaly And Vadose Zone Soil Moisture As Indicators Of Precipitation Recharge In The Piedmont Region Of Taihang Mountain, North China Plain

Seasonal Groundwater Storage Anomaly And Vadose Zone Soil Moisture As Indicators Of Precipitation Recharge In The Piedmont Region Of Taihang Mountain, North China Plain


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Precipitation has been recognized as one of the most important sources of groundwater recharge in the piedmont region of Taihang Mountain, North China Plain. However, a number of recent studies suggest the possibility of precipitation recharge in this region. This is because evapotranspiration from the intensive irrigated farming is several orders of magnitude of the annual precipitation. To reappraise potential precipitation recharge in the region, observed changes in seasonal groundwater storage and soil moisture of three soil core samples (each exceeding 10 m deep) from a large soil-probe machine were analysed. Our analysis showed that groundwater storage in the winter/dry season (in the piedmont region) is influenced mainly by lateral recharge and the amount of precipitation in the preceding year, In the summer/rainy seasons, groundwater storage differs with precipitation year. With the exception of extraordinary rainstorm years (e.g. 1996 after the storm with 30 year return period), precipitation recharge is not apparent. Soil field capacity analysis also revealed a possibility of precipitation recharge, with a wide margin between actual soil moisture and soil moisture content at field capacity. Precipitation recharge is only feasible when a single or successive precipitation is in excess of the minima (170 mm), a very rare condition in the piedmont region, where precipitation is easily depleted by the water-scavenging field crops, which cover two-thirds of the total land area.
机译:在华北平原太行山山前地区,降水被公认为是地下水补给的最重要来源之一。但是,最近的许多研究表明,该地区可能有降水补给。这是因为集约灌溉农业的蒸散量是年降水量的几个数量级。为了重新评估该地区潜在的降水补给,分析了使用大型土壤探测仪观测到的三个土壤核心样品(每个深度超过10 m)的季节性地下水储量和土壤水分的变化。我们的分析表明,冬季/干燥季节(山前地区)的地下水储量主要受侧向补给和前一年降水量的影响。在夏季/雨季,地下水储量随降水年的不同而不同。除了特殊的暴雨年份(例如在具有30年回归期的暴风雨之后的1996年)之外,降水补给并不明显。土壤田间容量分析还显示了降水补给的可能性,实际土壤水分与田间土壤能力下的土壤水分之间存在较大的余量。只有当一次或连续的降水量超过最小值(170毫米)时,才有可能进行补给。在皮埃蒙特地区,这种情况极少发生,因为积水的大田作物覆盖了三分之二,很容易使降水减少总土地面积。



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