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Biogeochemistry of dissolved carbon, major, and trace elements during spring flood periods on the Ob River


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Detailed knowledge of the flood period of Arctic rivers remains one of the few factors impeding rigorous prediction of the effect of climate change on carbon and related element fluxes from the land to the Arctic Ocean. In order to test the temporal and spatial variability of element concentration in the Ob River (western Siberia) water during flood period and to quantify the contribution of spring flood period to the annual element export, we sampled the main channel year round in 2014-2017 for dissolved C, major, and trace element concentrations. We revealed high stability (approximately = 10% relative variation) of dissolved C, major, and trace element concentrations in the Ob River during spring flood period over a 1-km section of the river channel and over 3 days continuous monitoring (3-hr frequency). We identified two groups of elements with contrasting relationship to discharge: (a) DIC and soluble elements (Cl, SO4, Li, B, Na, Mg, Ca, P, V, Cr, Mn, As, Rb, Sr, Mo, Ba, W, and U) negatively correlated (p 0.05) with discharge and exhibited minimal concentrations during spring flood and autumn high flow and (b) DOC and particle-reactive elements (Al, Fe, Ti, Y, Zr, Nb, Cs, REEs, Hf, Tl, Pb, and Th), some nutrients (K), and metalloids (Ge, Sb, and Te), positively correlated (p 0.05) with discharge and showed the highest concentrations during spring flood. We attribute the decreased concentration of soluble elements with discharge to dilution by groundwater feeding and increased concentration of DOC and particle-reactive metals with discharge to leaching from surface soil, plant litter, and suspended particles. Overall, the present study provides first-order assessment of fluxes of major and trace elements in the middle course of the Ob River, reveals their high temporal and spatial stability, and characterizes the mechanism of river water chemical composition acquisition.
机译:对北极河洪水期的详细了解仍然是阻碍对气候变化对从陆地到北冰洋的碳和相关元素通量的影响进行严格预测的少数因素之一。为了检验洪水期间鄂毕河(西伯利亚西部)水中元素浓度的时空变化并量化春季洪水期对年度元素出口的贡献,我们对2014-2017年全年的主要渠道进行了采样用于溶解的C,主要和痕量元素浓度。我们发现在春季洪水期间,鄂毕河河道1公里处的溶解态C,主要元素和微量元素浓度具有较高的稳定性(相对变化约为<= 10%),并进行了3天的连续监测(3-小时频率)。我们确定了两组与放电具有相反关系的元素:(a)DIC和可溶性元素(Cl,SO4,Li,B,Na,Mg,Ca,P,V,Cr,Mn,As,Rb,Sr,Mo, Ba,W和U)与流量呈负相关(p <0.05),并且在春季洪水和秋季高流量期间表现出最低浓度,并且(b)DOC和颗粒反应性元素(Al,Fe,Ti,Y,Zr,Nb, Cs,REE,Hf,Tl,Pb和Th),某些养分(K)和准金属(Ge,Sb和Te)与排放量呈正相关(p <0.05),并且在春季洪水期间显示最高浓度。我们将可溶性元素浓度的降低归因于地下水补给的稀释,而DOC和颗粒活性金属浓度的升高归因于从表层土壤,植物凋落物和悬浮颗粒中的浸出。总体而言,本研究提供了鄂毕河中游主要和微量元素通量的一阶评估,揭示了它们在时间和空间上的高度稳定性,并描述了河流水化学成分获取的机理。



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