首页> 外文期刊>Hydrogeology Journal >Sources of dissolved solids and water in Wadi Al Bih aquifer, Ras Al Khaimah Emirate, United Arab Emirates

Sources of dissolved solids and water in Wadi Al Bih aquifer, Ras Al Khaimah Emirate, United Arab Emirates

机译:阿拉伯联合酋长国Ras Al Khaimah阿联酋Wadi Al Bih含水层中溶解固体和水的来源

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Regional brines that underlie the potable groundwater appear to be responsible for the increase in dissolved solids in the Wadi Al Bih aquifer in the Ras Al Khaimah Emirate, United Arab Emirates. In this karstic carbonate aquifer, groundwater extraction exceeds recharge and the reduced heads can induce transport of underlying brines into the potable water aquifer. Increasing dissolved solids with time threatens the continued use of groundwater for agricultural and domestic uses. The potential of intrusion of seawater, dissolution of minerals, or intrusion of regional brines as a source of these solutes were evaluated based on groundwater samples collected in April and September 1996 from the Wadi Al Bih well field and isotope data from previously collected samples. Hydrogeologic conditions and solute modeling suggest the dominant source of solutes in the Wadi Al Bih aquifer is most likely an underlying regional brine. The pervasive presence of tritium is consistent with recent (since 1960s) recharge in the drainage basin, thus, the solutes and water appear to be from different sources. The chemical and isotopic data are also consistent with enhanced groundwater recharge associated with dams constructed to reduce flooding.
机译:阿拉伯联合酋长国拉斯海马酋长国的Wadi Al Bih含水层中溶解饮用水增加的原因是区域性盐水。在这种岩溶碳酸盐含水层中,地下水提取量超过补给量,并且水头的减少会导致下面的盐水向饮用水含水层中的迁移。随着时间的推移,溶解固体的增加会威胁到将地下水继续用于农业和家庭用途。根据1996年4月和9月从Wadi Al Bih井场收集的地下水样本和以前收集的样本的同位素数据,评估了海水入侵,矿物溶解或区域盐水入侵作为这些溶质来源的可能性。水文地质条件和溶质模型表明,Wadi Al Bih含水层中溶质的主要来源很可能是潜在的区域性盐水。 drainage的普遍存在与流域近期(自1960年代以来)的补给相一致,因此,溶质和水似乎来自不同的来源。化学和同位素数据也与为减少洪水而修建的大坝有关的地下水补给量增加相一致。



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