首页> 外文期刊>Hydrobiologia >Return of twaite shad Alosa fallax (Lacépède, 1803) to the Southern Baltic Sea and the transitional area between the Baltic and North Seas

Return of twaite shad Alosa fallax (Lacépède, 1803) to the Southern Baltic Sea and the transitional area between the Baltic and North Seas

机译:twaite shad Alosa fallax(Lacépède,1803)返回南波罗的海以及波罗的海和北海之间的过渡地区

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The status of twaite shad was investigated within the Southern Baltic Sea (ICES subdivision 22–27) and transitional area between the Baltic and North Seas (division IIIa). The following sources of data were analysed: (i) commercial catch statistics and relevant publications, (ii) records from ichthyological museum collections, (iii) records from recent commercial and recreational fisheries, (iv) research fisheries with trawls. A total of 476 records of twaite shad including more than 16 million individuals were obtained for the time between the years 1836 and 2005. About 72.9% of all records originated from commercial catch statistics and publications, whereas 18.9% were received from ichthyological collections. Research fisheries provided 6.3%, and 1.9% of the records were obtained from recent commercial and recreational fisheries. Most records of twaite shad were estimated for subdivisions 24 (45.2%) and 26 (35.5%). From 1836 to 1959, 29.6% of the records date from the period until 1899. 70.4% of the records of twaite shad originate from the twentieth century until 1959. The mean annual catch of twaite shad between 1891 and 1959 amounted to 86,674 kg within subdivisions 24–26 of the Southern Baltic Sea. Catch data show an approximately 20-year-cyclicity of maximum yields and minimum catches, respectively. The maximum annual yield of twaite shad in subdivisions 24–26 (474,700 kg) was registered in 1940, the minimum annual yield was estimated in 1958 (10 kg). In the 1950s, the annual catches of twaite shad declined sharply. Until 1960 twaite shad catches and records originated mainly from the Pommeranian Bay/Pommeranian Coast and adjacent waters including the Szczecin Lagoon (subdivision 24), the Bay of Gdańsk, Vistula Lagoon and Vistula Spit (subdivision 26) and from the Curonian Lagoon and Curonian Spit (subdivision 26). The highest catches of twaite shad originated from the area of Curonian Lagoon/Curonian Spit from 1941 to 1960. Seasonal catches of twaite shad showed maximum values from May to July. From 1960 to 1989, only four records of A. fallax were registered in the Southern Baltic Sea which originated from German coastal waters in subdivisions 22 and 24. A total of 107 records of twaite shad was obtained in subdivisions 20–27 from 1990 to 2005. Most of these recent records originate from a twaite-shad stock in subdivisions 24, 25 and 26. There are indications which suggest a separate stock of twaite shad in subdivisions 20 and 21. Disappearance and recovery of twaite shad stocks were probably caused by the following factors: construction of barriers in rivers with spawning sites of twaite shad; habitat destruction in those rivers as consequence of gravel extraction and reengineering scheme to improve navigation and for flood defence purposes, water pollution in the lagoons of the Southern Baltic and in their tributaries, commercial fishery in the Southern Baltic and climatic variation in the Baltic Sea basin south of the latitude of 60° N.
机译:在南部波罗的海(ICES分部22-27)以及波罗的海与北海之间的过渡地区(IIIa分部)内对特威特sha鱼的状况进行了调查。分析了以下数据来源:(i)商业渔获量统计数据和相关出版物,(ii)鱼类学博物馆收藏的记录,(iii)最近商业和休闲渔业的记录,(iv)带拖网的研究性渔业。从1836年到2005年,总共获得了476条wait鱼的记录,包括1600万个人。大约72.9%的记录来自商业渔获统计数据和出版物,而18.9%的记录则来自鱼类学。研究渔业提供了6.3%的记录,而1.9%的记录来自最近的商业和休闲渔业。估计大部分的特威德sha鱼记录是针对第24分区(45.2%)和第26分区(35.5%)的。从1836年到1959年,29.6%的记录可以追溯到1899年。76.4%的树胶sha的历史起源于20世纪直到1959年。1891年至1959年之间,树胶sha的年平均捕捞量为86,674千克。南部波罗的海的24–26。渔获量数据分别显示最大产量和最小渔获量约有20年的周期性。 19-40年,第24-26分区的白杨wait的最高年产量(474,700千克)得到了记录,估计的最低年产量在1958年(10千克)。在1950年代,特威特sha鱼的年捕捞量急剧下降。直到1960年为止,特威特人的d鱼的捕获和记录主要来自庞玛拉尼湾/庞玛拉尼海岸以及毗邻的水域,包括什切青泻湖(第24分区),格但斯克湾,维斯杜拉泻湖和维斯瓦拉吐痰(第26分区)以及库尔斯泻湖和库尔斯沙嘴(第26分部)。 1941年至1960年,角质树皮的最高渔获量来自库尔斯沙嘴泻湖/库仑沙嘴地区。5月至7月,角质树皮的季节性渔获量最高。从1960年到1989年,在波罗的海南部仅记录了4条A. fallax记录,这些记录起源于22和24分区的德国沿海水域。从1990年至2005年,在20-27分区总共获得了107条白杨的记录。这些近期记录中的大多数来自第24、25和26分区中的角鲨鱼种群。有迹象表明,在第20和21分区中有一个单独的角鲨鱼种群库存。有以下因素:在有特威特树荫产卵场的河流中建造屏障;砾石开采和工程改良计划的结果是这些河流的栖息地遭到破坏,以改善航海和防洪目的;波罗的海南部及其支流的泻湖受到水污染;波罗的海南部的商业渔业;波罗的海盆地的气候变化在北纬60°以南。



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