首页> 外文期刊>Hydrobiologia >Effect of magnesium on charophytes calcification: implications for phosphorus speciation stored in biomass and sediment in Myall Lake (Australia)

Effect of magnesium on charophytes calcification: implications for phosphorus speciation stored in biomass and sediment in Myall Lake (Australia)


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We examined the effect of magnesium (Mg) on the charophytes calcite (CaCO3) encrustation and assessed whether charophytes, growing on non-calcareous sediments in the Myall Lake, a poorly flushed shallow coastal lake with salinity of 2–3 PSU, could function as an effective nutrient sink for phosphorus (P) in a similar manner to charophytes growing on calcareous sediments of the freshwater calcium (Ca)-rich hardwater, i.e., through the formation of Ca-bound P. Our results showed that high Mg in the Myall Lake water reduced the calcification in charophytes. Likewise, the addition of Mg into the tap water also produced the same effect. The inhibition of the calcite formation decreased significantly the percentage of Ca-bound P formation in the charophyte biomass as well as in the sediment. However, the inability of charophytes in Myall Lake to precipitate calcite does not reduce the plant beds' capability to act as a P nutrient sink. Instead of Ca-bound P, a large percentage of less bioavailable non-reactive organically bound P (NaOH–P: 40–65%) fraction in the biomass, together with the plant’s slow decomposition rate, will lead to burial of dead organic matter and an incomplete mineralization process. In particular, detritus of the charophyte plants’ thalli is relatively more resistant to mineralization. This mechanism was supported by the result of sedimentary P fractionation in which the refractory P and non-reactive organic P fractions accounted for at least 80% of the total P. Keywords Myall Lake - Charophytes - Nutrient sink - Gyttja - Refractory phosphorus - Calcium-bound phosphorus Handling editor: J. Padisak
机译:我们检查了镁(Mg)对方解石(CaCO 3 )包壳的影响,并评估了在非盐分沉积物Myall湖中盐藻是否生长在非钙质沉积物上。 2–3 PSU可以像富含富淡水钙(Ca)硬水的钙质沉积物上的钙藻一样,通过形成钙结合的P形成磷的有效养分库。结果表明,Myall湖水中的高Mg减少了藻类钙化。同样,在自来水中添加Mg也会产生相同的效果。方解石形成的抑制作用显着降低了藻类生物质以及沉积物中钙结合的磷形成的百分比。但是,Myall湖中的藻类不能沉淀方解石,并不能降低植物床层作为P养分库的能力。代替钙结合的磷,生物量中很大一部分生物利用度低的非反应性有机结合磷(NaOH–P:40–65%)部分,以及植物的缓慢分解速度,将导致死去的有机物被埋葬。以及不完整的矿化过程。特别是,叶绿素植物的碎屑对矿化的抵抗力相对较高。沉积物P分馏的结果支持了这一机理,其中难溶P和非反应性有机P组分至少占总P的80%。关键词Myall湖-藻类-营养池-Gyttja-难处理的磷-钙-束缚磷处理编辑:J. Padisak



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