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Icold, Global Agencies Issue Africa Dams, Hydro Declaration


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The International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD) and other international agencies are urging lenders to work with African nations to undertake hydropower development on a large scale. "Conditions are now ripe for hydropower development in Africa and this is a period of unique opportunity," the World Declaration on Dams and Hydropower for African Sustainable Development said. The declaration was approved at ICOLD's 80th anniversary celebration in Paris in November 2008. Other signatories were the African Union; Union of Producers, Transporters, and Distributors of Electric Power in Africa; the World Energy Council; the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage; and the International Hydropower Association. "We call on multilateral and bilateral funding agencies to engage with African countries on hydropower development, promoting national and regional project development facilities and innovative funding mechanisms," the declaration said. The groups said governments, financing agencies, and industry have developed policies, frameworks, and guidelines for evaluation and mitigation of environmental and social effects, and for addressing concerns of vulnerable communities affected by hydropower development.
机译:国际大水坝委员会(ICOLD)和其他国际机构正在敦促贷方与非洲国家合作,以进行大规模的水电开发。 《世界水坝和水电促进非洲可持续发展宣言》说:“非洲水电发展的条件现在已经成熟,这是一个难得的机遇期。”该声明在2008年11月于巴黎举行的ICOLD 80周年庆典上获得批准。非洲电力生产,运输和分销商联盟;世界能源理事会;国际灌溉排水委员会;和国际水电协会。声明说:“我们呼吁多边和双边供资机构与非洲国家合作发展水电,促进国家和区域项目开发设施以及创新的供资机制。”这些组织表示,政府,金融机构和行业已经制定了政策,框架和指南,以评估和减轻环境和社会影响,并解决受水电开发影响的脆弱社区的关切。



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