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When Worlds Collide - Or Do They? Implications of Explanatory Coexistence for Conceptual Development and Change


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In season 7, episode 8 of the popular US television series Seinfeld, the character George Costanza is distressed to learn that his fiancee wants to socialize with his friends from his bachelor days. George has a theory that he inhabits two distinct 'worlds': the world of his friends ('independent George') and the world of his fiancee ('relationship George'). Each world operates smoothly on its own, but together they are dangerously incompatible. If the two worlds interact, the results will be disastrous. In George's words, 'Anybody knows, ya gotta keep your worlds apart.' George's concern about worlds colliding provides a metaphor for thinking about the belief systems of science (on the one hand) and religion, magic, or supernatural entities (on the other hand). To what extent do these different ways of construing reality represent distinct realms that are best kept apart, like the two worlds of George Costanza? And what happens if they make contact? Can they peacefully coexist, or will one overwhelm and destroy the other? The fascinating and important papers in this volume by Harris [this issue], Legare and Visala [this issue], Subbotsky [this issue], and Evans and Lane [this issue] speak about these issues. In my comments, I will review some of their major contributions, and then focus on the implications for cognition more broadly.
机译:在第7季,美国受欢迎的电视连续剧《塞恩费尔德》(Seinfeld)第8集中,角色乔治·科斯坦扎(George Costanza)得知他的未婚妻想从他的单身时代开始就想和他的朋友们交往,这让他很痛苦。乔治有一个理论,他居住在两个不同的“世界”中:他的朋友们的世界(“独立乔治”)和他的未婚妻的世界(“关系乔治”)。每个世界都可以顺利地独立运作,但在一起却是危险地不相容的。如果两个世界相互作用,结果将是灾难性的。用乔治的话来说,“任何人都知道,你必须让你的世界与众不同。”乔治对世界碰撞的关注为思考科学(一方面)与宗教,魔术或超自然实体(另一方面)的信念体系提供了一个隐喻。这些不同的解释现实的方式在多大程度上代表了最好分开的不同领域,例如乔治·科斯坦扎的两个世界?如果他们联系了会怎样?他们可以和平共处,还是一个压倒一切并摧毁另一个?哈里斯(本期),莱加雷和维萨拉(本期),Subbotsky(本期)以及埃文斯和莱恩(本期)在本卷中引人入胜的重要论文谈到了这些问题。在我的评论中,我将回顾它们的一些主要贡献,然后更广泛地关注认知的含义。



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