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Court Clarifies Applicability of New York Rent Stabilization Laws To Former Mitchell-Lama Projects


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When an owner of three apartment buildings constructed before 1969 exited the Mitchell-Lama program in 1998, the apartments became subject to rent stabilization under the Emergency Tenant Protection Act of 1974 (ETPA), not the Rent Stabilization Law of 1969 (RSL), ruled the New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division, First Department. (In re KSLM-Columbus Apartments, Inc. v. New York State Division of Housing and Community Renewal, 2004 WL 354310 (N.Y.A.D. 1 Dept.), February 26, 2004) When New York City enacted the RSL, it specifically exempted Mitchell-Lama buildings, which were subject to special regulatory rent controls. In 1971, the state legislature passed a vacancy decontrol law, but in 1974, it enacted the ETPA, which empowered New York City to declare a housing emergency and extend rent stabilization. The city council did so in June 1974. The issue in this case, one of first impression, is whether the provisions of the ETPA or only those of the original RSL applied to the apartments once KSLM opted out of the Mitchell-Lama program.
机译:当1969年之前建造的三栋公寓楼的所有者在1998年退出Mitchell-Lama计划时,根据《 1974年紧急租户保护法》(ETPA)而非《 1969年租金稳定法》(RSL)的规定,这些公寓将受租金稳定的约束。纽约最高法院上诉庭第一庭。 (关于KSLM-Columbus Apartments,Inc.诉纽约州住房和社区更新司,2004年,WL 354310(NYAD 1部门),2004年2月26日),当纽约市颁布RSL时,它特别豁免了Mitchell-喇嘛建筑,受到特别的租金管制。 1971年,州议会通过了一项空置解除管制法,但1974年,该法案颁布了ETPA,该法案授权纽约市宣布住房紧急状态并延长租金稳定水平。市议会于1974年6月这样做了。在本案中,问题的第一印象是,一旦KSLM选择退出Mitchell-Lama计划,ETPA的规定还是仅适用于原始RSL的规定。



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