首页> 外文期刊>The holocene >Holocene palaeoclimate in the northern Sahara margin (Jefara Plain, northwestern Libya)

Holocene palaeoclimate in the northern Sahara margin (Jefara Plain, northwestern Libya)


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The palaeoclimatic evolution of northwestern Libya has been deduced from the study of the palustrine and aeolian sediments. The Holocene environmental variations have been recognized through geological and stratigraphic surveys and by pollen analysis and malacofauna content of the sediments. Some organic-rich horizons have been dated using the radiocarbon method. The data show that in general, the presence of marshes is linked with the period of higher humidity, which began around 9.4 ka BP and ended around 5.0 ka BP. From c. 5.0 ka BP up to about 4.4 ka BP, there was a simultaneous presence of marshes and vegetation of arid climate as a consequence of rainfall in the mountains and/or a decrease in temperatures. The Holocene wet period was interrupted by two arid spells dated about 8.2 and 5.5-5.4 ka BP. The end of the wet phase must have been gradual. The climatic events that occurred in the Jefara plain seem to be well correlated with those identified in Saharan Africa even if the Mediterranean is only 100 km away.
机译:利比亚西北部的古气候演变是通过对古印度洋和风沙沉积的研究得出的。全新世环境的变化已经通过地质和地层调查以及花粉分析和沉积物的疟疾动物含量得到了认可。使用放射性碳方法已经确定了一些富含有机物的层位。数据表明,通常,沼泽的存在与较高的湿度有关,该湿度开始于9.4 ka BP左右,结束于5.0 ka BP左右。从c。从5.0 ka BP到最高4.4 ka BP,由于山区降雨和/或温度降低,干旱和湿地植被同时存在。全新世的湿润时期被两个干旱的约8.2和5.5-5.4 ka BP中断。湿阶段的结束必须是逐渐的。杰法拉平原上发生的气候事件似乎与撒哈拉以南非洲地区确定的气候事件有很好的相关性,即使距离地中海仅100公里。



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