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The AD 1250 El Metate shield volcano (Michoacan): Mexico's most voluminous Holocene eruption and its significance for archaeology and hazards


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The Michoacan-Guanajuato Volcanic Field is the largest subduction-related monogenetic volcanic field in the world and includes more than 1000 scoria cones and a few hundred medium-sized volcanoes. Although medium-sized volcanoes (domes and shields) are less abundant, hazards associated with the renewal of this type of activity should not be neglected. Here, we focus on El Metate volcano, the morphologically youngest shield of the field. This volcano has a minimum volume of similar to 9.2 km(3) DRE, and its viscous lava flows were emplaced during a single eruption over a period of similar to 30 years covering an area of 103 km(2). El Metate is thus best labeled as a monogenetic andesite shield. This eruption had a significant impact on the environment (modification of the hydrological network, forest fires, etc.), and hence, nearby human populations probably had to migrate. New C-14 dates for the eruption yield a young age (similar to AD 1250), which briefly precedes the initial rise of the Tarascan Empire (AD 1350-1521) in this region. By volume, this is certainly the largest eruption during the Holocene in the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt, and it is the largest andesitic effusive eruption known worldwide for this period. Such a large volume erupted in a relatively short time bears important implications for evaluating future hazards in the Michoacan-Guanajuato Volcanic Field.
机译:米却肯-瓜纳华托火山场是世界上与俯冲有关的最大的单基因火山场,包括超过1000个火山灰锥和几百个中型火山。尽管中型火山(穹顶和防护罩)的数量较少,但是与这种活动的重新开始有关的危害不容忽视。在这里,我们集中研究El Metate火山,该火山在形态上最年轻。该火山的最小体积类似于DRE的9.2 km(3),其粘性熔岩流是在一次喷发过程中进行的,历时约30年,覆盖面积103 km(2)。因此,最好将El Metate标记为单晶安山岩盾。这次喷发对环境有重大影响(水文网络的修改,森林大火等),因此附近的人群可能不得不迁徙。新的C-14喷发日期产生了一个年轻年龄(类似于公元1250年),此时间短暂地早于塔拉斯卡纳帝国(公元1350-1521年)在该地区的首次兴起。按体积计算,这肯定是跨墨西哥火山带全新​​世期间最大的喷发,也是这一时期全世界已知的最大的安第斯喷发喷发。在相对较短的时间内喷出如此大量的水,对评估米却肯州-瓜纳华托火山场的未来危害具有重要意义。



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