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Angus McKenzie, MBE 1933-2005

机译:安格斯·麦肯齐(MBS 1933-2005)

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Angus McKenzie, MBE, CEng, FIEE, FAES was best known to enerations of HFN readers for his long-running and often controversial 'FM Radio' column. But the passion for radio was only one aspect of his multi-faceted interest in things technical and scientific. An expert record i ng engi neer with a deep love of classical music, he became the pre-eminent audio consultant of his day, especially in the field of cassette tape. He wrote countless reviews for Hi-Fi For Pleasure and other magazines and in 1976 was the authorand inspiration of the first-ever issue of Hi-Fi Choice, in which he tested more than 50 hi-fi cassette decks. In later years he was active in a number of scientific societies and worked tirelessly forthe RNIB and other charitable organisations.
机译:安格斯(MBE),欧洲英语(CEE),欧洲英语(FIEE),英国电影电视学院(FAES)的安格斯·麦肯齐(Angus McKenzie)因其长期运行且经常引起争议的“调频广播”专栏而广受HFN读者的青睐。但是,对广播的热情只是他对技术和科学事物多方面兴趣的一方面。他是一位对古典音乐怀有深厚热爱的工程师,他是当时的杰出音频顾问,尤其是在盒式磁带领域。他为Hi-Fi For Pleasure和其他杂志写了无数评论,并且在1976年成为第一本Hi-Fi Choice的作者和灵感来源,他在其中测试了50多个Hi-Fi卡座。在后来的几年中,他活跃于许多科学社团,并为RNIB和其他慈善组织孜孜不倦地工作。



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