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Sleeves under scrutiny


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In the early days of LPs, writes Trevor Swinson, it soon became evident that attractive pictures were an important selling feature, so that expensive four-colour illustrations became the order of the day. Today, for pop albums it is not unusual for several thousands of pounds to be spent on the artwork alone! To the more serious purchaser of classical records, what is on the other side of the record sleeve is by far the more important - the sleeve notes. And don't they vary in content! From those Philips reissues that gave a history lesson but no musical help, to the really informative. Even so, it is worthwhile setting down some of the essentials. First of all, for a single record of symphonies, suites, etc, the movements should be indicated in display type and not hidden in the text. While most people are used to the usual Italian terms like andante and so on, instructions in German (by Mahler, for example) will not be understood by everyone and might well be translated. Record companies should remember that a considerable number of buyers will be newcomers to the scene who need all the help they can get. Sleeve notes almost always give some historical background to the works in question and the date of composition is essential. It is also very useful to know the composition of the orchestra; the larger the forces used, the more likely it is to be given. But 'classical' (eg, Mozart) record sleeves seem to be shy of disclosing this information.
机译:唱片发行人Trevor Swinson写道,在唱片发行的早期,很明显,有吸引力的图片是一个重要的销售特征,因此昂贵的四色插图已成为当今的主流。如今,对于流行专辑而言,仅在艺术品上花费数千英镑就已经很普遍了!对于更认真地购买古典唱片的人来说,唱片袖子的另一端是更为重要的-唱片袖子。而且它们的内容也不不同!从那些给飞利浦提供历史课程但没有音乐帮助的复刻版到真正意义上的内容。即使这样,还是值得设定一些要领。首先,对于交响乐,套装等的单个记录,其动作应以显示类型指示,而不是隐藏在文本中。尽管大多数人都习惯了诸如andante等常用的意大利语术语,但并不是所有人都能理解德语的说明(例如,马勒(Mahler)的说明),因此很可能会进行翻译。唱片公司应该记住,相当多的购买者将是新来者,他们需要他们所能获得的所有帮助。袖子笔记几乎总是为所涉作品提供一些历史背景,并且创作日期至关重要。了解乐团的组成也非常有用。使用的力量越大,施加的可能性就越大。但是“古典”唱片(例如莫扎特)唱片套似乎不愿透露这些信息。



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