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Abyss AB-1266 Phi TC

机译:深渊AB-1266 Phi TC

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Is conventional headphone design an example of what biologists call convergent evolution - adoption of a common design solution because it's optimal - or something more akin to herd behaviour: doing it a particular way because we always have? It's a question that thinking audiophiles will inevitably ask when presented with a product like the Abyss AB-1266 Phi TC, the more so given that this rejection of headphone design convention comes with a price tag of £4950. While Abyss's top model is not as iconoclastic as the Mysphere 3.2 [HFN Jan '20], nevertheless its unusual headband design begs an obvious question: has everyone else got it wrong or is Abyss the only boy in step?
机译:传统的耳机设计是生物学家称之为融合进化的一个例子吗?因为它是最优的,所以采用通用的设计解决方案;或者更类似于畜群行为:因为我们总是有一种特殊的方式?这是一个问题,发烧友会不可避免地问到诸如Abyss AB-1266 Phi TC之类的产品,考虑到这种拒绝耳机设计惯例的价格为4950英镑,这就更是如此。尽管Abyss的顶级型号不如Mysphere 3.2 [HFN Jan '20]那样破旧,但是其不寻常的头带设计却引出了一个明显的问题:其他所有人都错了吗?还是Abyss是唯一一个步入正轨的男孩?



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