首页> 外文期刊>Heat Transfer Asian Research >Experimental Study of Natural Convection Heat Transfer of Air Layers in Vertical Annuli Under High Rayleigh Number Conditions

Experimental Study of Natural Convection Heat Transfer of Air Layers in Vertical Annuli Under High Rayleigh Number Conditions


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In this paper experimental investigations of natural convection heat transfer of air layers in vertical annuli are presented. In these experiments, the surface of the inner cylinder is maintained at a constant heat flux condition and the outer cylinder is cooled in the atmosphere. In order to obtain the convective contribution, the overall heat transfer data are corrected for thermal radiation and axial conduction losses from the end plates in the annuli. Special emphasis, in these investigations, was placed on the high Rayleigh number region where no experimental data are available in the literature. Data were obtained for Rayleigh numbers greater than l0~9. The radius ratios studied were 2.03 and 3.92, and the aspect ratios studied were 23.94 and 66.67. Heat transfer correlations for average Nusselt numbers were developed for different Rayleigh number regions. For the low RayIeigh number region the results of this paper agree with the correlations reported in the literature. Much needed data and correlations for the high Rayleigh number region are obtained for the first time. These results improve the predictive ability for the heat transfer characteristics in the high Rayleigh number region.



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