首页> 外文期刊>Heart >Increase of out-of-hospital cardiac arrests in the male population of the French speaking provinces of Switzerland during the 1998 FIFA World Cup

Increase of out-of-hospital cardiac arrests in the male population of the French speaking provinces of Switzerland during the 1998 FIFA World Cup


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Acute mental stress and anger are well known triggers of myocardial infarction and sudden cardiac death. It has been described in environmental disasters, such as earthquakes, or during military conflicts. The emotional intensity of sporting events and the behaviours associated with watching these events, such as smoking, binge drinking, and medical non-compliance, have also been shown to increase the rate of myocardial infarction and sudden cardiac death. However, recent observations showed a significant decrease in cardiovascular mortality in French men during the 1998 FIFA World Cup which was held in, and won by, France. This decrease was explained by a reduction of mental stress caused by the euphoria of victory. This competition was also an outstanding sporting event for neighbouring countries; according to FIFA data the total television audience of the 1998 World Cup was estimated at close to 10 million people in Switzerland. Taking into account the similarities in geographic situation, behaviour, and diet among populations of France and French speaking provinces of Switzerland (most of whom supported the French soccer team after the failure of the Swiss team to qualify for the final part of the competition), we were interested to know whether a decrease in out-of-hospital cardiac arrests (OHCA) would also be registered in Switzerland during this event.



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