首页> 外文期刊>Harmful Algae >Modelling the hydrodynamic conditions associated with Dinophysis blooms in Galicia (NW Spain)

Modelling the hydrodynamic conditions associated with Dinophysis blooms in Galicia (NW Spain)


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The northwestern Iberian coast (Galician Rias and shelf) is frequently affected by toxic harmful algal blooms (HABs) (mainly Dinophysis spp.), leading to lengthy harvesting closures in a region where aquaculture has a strong socioeconomic impact. The project ASIMUTH (http://www.asimuth.eu) aimed to develop forecasting capabilities to warn of impending HABs along the European Atlantic coast. Simulations with the ROMS model (hydrodynamical and ecological simulations complemented with Lagrangian particle tracking simulations) of the Galician coastal circulation have been performed in the framework of the ASIMUTH project to characterize and forecast oceanographic conditions before and during HAB periods. In this work, we present the Galician ASIMUTH forecast system and demonstrate its skill in predicting HAB transport and its usefulness to provide assessment for the management of the areas affected by toxic outbreaks. Experience gained during DSP events in 2005 and 2013 is shown. We also describe the Galician pilot HAB bulletins, aimed at distributing forecasts of HAB events that might induce closures of harvesting areas or, when the areas are already closed, at giving information on forthcoming oceanographic conditions that could favour or hamper the opening of an area. Our results show that the model forecasts and the bulletins can provide early warning of the risk of Dinophysis spp. events and the risk of closures linked to the presence of DSP toxins above regulatory levels in harvesting areas. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:伊比利亚西北海岸(加利西亚里亚斯河和陆架)经常受到有毒有害藻华(HABs)(主要是Dinophysis spp。)的影响,导致该地区水产养殖业对社会经济产生重大影响,造成长时间的收渔封锁。 ASIMUTH项目(http://www.asimuth.eu)旨在发展预测能力,以警告欧洲大西洋沿岸即将发生的HAB。在ASIMUTH项目的框架内,已使用ROMS模型进行了模拟(水动力和生态模拟与拉格朗日粒子跟踪模拟相辅相成),以表征和预测HAB之前和期间的海洋状况。在这项工作中,我们介绍了加利西亚ASIMUTH预报系统,并展示了其在预测HAB转运中的技能及其为评估受毒物暴发影响的地区提供管理的有用性。显示了在2005年和2013年DSP活动期间获得的经验。我们还描述了加利西亚的HAB试点公告,旨在分发可能导致收割区关闭的HAB事件的预测,或者在区域已关闭时,提供有关可能有利于或阻碍区域开放的即将到来的海洋条件的信息。我们的结果表明,模型预测和公告可以为Dinophysis spp的风险提供预警。事件和关闭的风险与收获地区高于监管水平的DSP毒素的存在有关。 (C)2015 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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