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PEGASUS Develops Method to Assess Highly Automated Driving Functions


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The PEGASUS project, which completed its 42-month term in June 2019, can becredited with coming up with a widely accepted overall model for assessing andproving how safe an automated vehicle will be on public roads. We first reportedon the goals and progress of the project in the February 2017 Hansen Report.According to PEGASUS organizers, while the project did not solve everychallenge within the model, it was probably the first effort to successfully definethe whole picture. At the risk of gross oversimplification, the comprehensive plandescribes how to define AV test scenarios and reduce the number of them downto a manageable amount. It further defines which tests can be done in simulation,which can be done on proving grounds, and which must be performed on realroads. PEGASUS decided to use the OpenSCENARIO and OpenDRIVEstandards for simulation and parts of the proving ground tests.
机译:PEGASUS项目于2019年6月结束了为期42个月的项目,可以提出一个广为接受的整体模型来评估和改善自动驾驶汽车在公共道路上的安全性,这一点值得赞扬。我们首先在2017年2月的《汉森报告》中报告了该项目的目标和进展情况。据PEGASUS组织者介绍,尽管该项目并未解决模型中的所有挑战,但这可能是成功定义整体情况的第一步。冒着过于简化的风险,全面的计划描述了如何定义AV测试方案并将其数量减少到可管理的数量。它进一步定义了哪些测试可以在模拟中完成,哪些可以在试验现场进行,哪些必须在实际道路上进行。 PEGASUS决定使用OpenSCENARIO和OpenDRIVE标准进行模拟和部分试验场测试。



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