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A salience measure for 3D shape decomposition and sub-parts classification


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This paper introduces a measure of significance on a curve skeleton of a 3D piecewise linear shape mesh, allowing the computation of both the shape's parts and their saliency. We begin by reformulating three existing pruning measures into a non-linear PCA along the skeleton. From this PCA, we then derive a volume-based salience measure, the 3D WEDF, that determines the relative importance to the global shape of the shape part associated to a point of the skeleton. First, we provide robust algorithms for computing the 3D WEDF on a curve skeleton, independent on the number of skeleton branches. Then, we cluster the WEDF values to partition the curve skeleton, and coherently map the decomposition to the associated surface mesh. Thus, we develop an unsupervised hierarchical decomposition of the mesh faces into visually meaningful shape regions that are ordered according to their degree of perceptual salience. The shape analysis tools introduced in this paper are important for many applications including shape comparison, editing, and compression.
机译:本文介绍了在3D分段线性形状网格的曲线骨架上的显着性度量,从而可以计算形状的部分及其显着性。我们首先将三个现有的修剪措施重新构造为沿着骨架的非线性PCA。然后,从此PCA中得出基于体积的显着性度量标准3D WEDF,该度量标准确定了与骨架点相关的形状部分的整体形状的相对重要性。首先,我们提供了可靠的算法,用于计算曲线骨架上的3D WEDF,而与骨架分支的数量无关。然后,我们将WEDF值聚类以划分曲线骨架,并将分解分解一致地映射到关联的曲面网格。因此,我们将无监督的网格面分层分解为视觉上有意义的形状区域,这些区域根据其感知显着程度进行排序。本文介绍的形状分析工具对于许多应用程序都很重要,包括形状比较,编辑和压缩。



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