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The new left, Jeremy Corbyn and the war of position: a new coherence or further fragmentation?

机译:新左派,杰里米·科宾(Jeremy Corbyn)和地位之战:新的连贯性还是进一步的分裂?

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This article assesses the emergence of the new groups, organizations and protests that have emerged since the financial crisis and asks whether we can understand these as a fresh development where diverse movements fashioned through different ideological departure points have moved towards a form of convergence in which a wider hegemonic project can be fashioned, or whether in fact such proclamations are effectively another form of 'wishing thinking' in terms of left-wing renewal is concerned. In line with recently argued work, it suggests that for the left to look to overcome the ideological obstacles that plagued its twentieth century development, it needs to provide a wide/open set of principles that look to contest dominant norms of the neoliberal order that exist at the many levels of civil society. In this way a 'war of position' (to borrow from Gramsci) needs to be forged that looks to avoid charges of 'elitism' and 'fragmentation' that had seen the left to fail as a coherent alternative since the cold war. Whilst the new left has forged forms of contestation at the civil level (for example Occupy and the ESF) and more recently at the Political level (with Sanders, Corbyn and Syriza/Podermos), it has yet to form a consistent and coherent war of position to neoliberal capitalism.
机译:本文评估了自金融危机以来出现的新的团体,组织和抗议活动,并询问我们是否可以将其理解为一个新的发展,通过不同意识形态出发点形成的各种运动已朝着一种融合的形式发展。可以制定更广泛的霸权计划,或者事实上,这种声明是否实际上是左翼更新方面的另一种“许愿思维”形式。与最近争论的工作相一致,它建议左派寻求克服困扰其二十世纪发展的意识形态障碍,它需要提供一套广泛/开放的原则,以与现有的新自由主义秩序的主流准则相抗衡。在公民社会的许多层面上。这样,就需要伪造“阵地战争”(从葛兰西那里借用),以避免出现“精英主义”和“碎片化”的指责,这些指控自冷战以来就一直认为左派失败了。尽管新左派在民事层面(例如占领和ESF)以及最近在政治层面(与Sanders,Corbyn和Syriza / Podermos)形成了竞争形式,但尚未形成持续,连贯的战争。新自由主义资本主义的立场。



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