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The Ad Hoc Committee Annulment Decision in Malaysian Historical Salvors: The Meaning of Investment' Re-established?


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Member States to the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) Convention, as well as their companies and economic operators, are interested in guaranteeing meaningful protection for their investments. This is done by granting jurisdiction to ICSID arbitral tribunals to hear disputes between private persons and states party to the ICSID Convention in cases where a valid Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) is present. Because such tribunals' jurisdiction is limited to investment disputes, the definition of 'investment' as embodied in Article 25 of the ICSID Convention and the relevant BIT is of paramount importance. In fact, the definition of investment will have a bearing on whether or not a given economic activity by a company or a private person can be protected via a so-called Investment Treaty Arbitration. In turn, this rather technical issue will have direct practical economic consequences for companies and investors. Vnfortunately, both the meaning of investment and the manner in which the ICSID Convention and BITs have been interpreted have been addressed in contradictory manners by various ICSID tribunals, creating unpredictability and damaging the level playing field of investors' protection. However, the ad hoc Committee's Decision on the Application for Annulment in Malaysian Historical Salvors v. The Government of Malaysia (hereinafter 'MHS Annulment Award') appears to have re-established a proper meaning and method of interpreting the term investment, which, it is argued, should be followed by future tribunals. If this were to happen, companies and economic operators will be able to enjoy both predictability and full protection of their investments.
机译:国际投资争端解决中心公约(ICSID)的成员国及其公司和经济运营商有兴趣保证对其投资进行有意义的保护。通过在存在有效的双边投资条约(BIT)的情况下授予ICSID仲裁庭管辖权来审理私人与ICSID公约缔约国之间的争端。由于此类法庭的管辖权仅限于投资争端,因此,《国际投资争端解决中心公约》第25条和相关BIT所包含的“投资”的定义至关重要。实际上,投资的定义将影响公司或私人的特定经济活动是否可以通过所谓的《投资条约》仲裁得到保护。反过来,这个相当技术性的问题将对公司和投资者产生直接的实际经济后果。不幸的是,ICSID的各个法庭都以相互矛盾的方式处理了投资的含义以及《 ICSID公约》和《双边投资条约》的解释方式,造成了不可预测性并损害了投资者保护的公平竞争环境。但是,特设委员会的《马来西亚历史救助案诉马来西亚政府中宣布废止的决定》(以下简称“ MHS废止裁决”)似乎重新确立了解释“投资”一词的适当含义和方法,认为,应由未来的法庭来跟进。如果发生这种情况,公司和经济运营商将能够享受可预测性和对其投资的全面保护。



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