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Addressing NCDs: A unifying agenda for sustainable development


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Despite the mounting evidence that they impede social and economic development, increase inequalities, and perpetuate poverty, Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) remain largely absent from the agendas of major development assistance initiatives. In addition, fundamental changes are developing in patterns of development assistance for health, and more of the burden for fighting NCDs is being placed on domestic budgets, thus increasing pressure on the most vulnerable countries. The paper argues, however, that a new day is coming. With the inclusion of NCDs and related targets in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, there is an unprecedented opportunity to explore linkages among the sustainable development goals, enhance policy coherence and advance the NCD agenda as part of sustainable development. International development partners (bilateral and multilateral) can help in this important effort to address NCDs and their shared risk factors by providing catalytic support to countries that are particularly vulnerable in terms of the disease burden but lack the resources (human, financial) and institutional arrangements to meet their commitments at national, regional, and global levels.
机译:尽管有越来越多的证据表明它们阻碍了社会和经济发展,加剧了不平等现象,并使贫困长期存在,但主要发展援助倡议的议程中仍然基本上没有非传染性疾病。此外,对卫生的发展援助方式正在发生根本变化,与非传染性疾病作斗争的负担更多地放在了国内预算上,从而增加了对最脆弱国家的压力。但是,该论文认为,新的一天即将到来。随着将非传染性疾病和相关目标纳入《 2030年可持续发展议程》,人们有前所未有的机会探索可持续发展目标之间的联系,增强政策一致性,并推动将非传染性疾病议程作为可持续发展的一部分。国际发展伙伴(双边和多边)可以通过向疾病负担特别脆弱但缺乏资源(人力,财力和体制安排)的国家提供催化支持,来帮助应对非传染性疾病及其共同风险因素的这一重要努力。履行他们在国家,地区和全球各级的承诺。



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