首页> 外文期刊>Global Networks >German seafarers, anti-fascism and the anti-Stalinist left: the ‘Antwerp Group’ and Edo Fimmen’s International Transport Workers’ Federation, 1933–40

German seafarers, anti-fascism and the anti-Stalinist left: the ‘Antwerp Group’ and Edo Fimmen’s International Transport Workers’ Federation, 1933–40


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Between the mid-1930s and the beginning of the Second World War, a group of German seamen based in Antwerp combined with Amsterdam-based Edo Fimmen, secretary of the International Transport Workers' Federation, to wage a campaign against the Nazi government among the sailors of the German merchant fleet. They organized cells of supporters on German ships, encouraged informal resistance, circulated propaganda and planned sabotage. The Antwerp Group was a breakaway from the Comintern-aligned International of Seafarers and Harbour Workers (ISH). The Antwerp men were reacting against the ineffectiveness of the response of the German communist leadership to Hitler's takeover of power, and against the growing subordination of the ISH to Soviet interests. By highlighting the role of anti-Stalinist militants in the anti-fascism of the 1930s, the article contributes to the recent scholarship on anti-fascism - a scholarship that has tended to emphasize the transnationalism and ideological diversity of anti-fascism, rather than seeing it in national terms, or as a monolithic entity controlled by Moscow.
机译:在1930年代中期至第二次世界大战开始之间,一群驻安特卫普的德国海员与驻阿姆斯特丹的国际运输工人联合会秘书伊多·芬门(Edo Fimmen)一起在水手中发动针对纳粹政府的运动德国商船队。他们在德国船只上组织了支持者小组,鼓励了非正式的抵抗,散布了宣传并计划了破坏活动。安特卫普集团是与国际海员和海港工人国际组织(ISH)结盟的独立组织。安特卫普人正在对德国共产党领导层对希特勒接任政权的反应无效,以及对伊斯兰国日益服从于苏联利益的行为作出反应。通过强调反斯大林主义激进分子在1930年代反法西斯主义中的作用,文章为最近的反法西斯主义研究做出了贡献-该奖学金倾向于强调反法西斯主义的跨国性和意识形态多样性,而不是一味地看到就国家而言,还是作为莫斯科控制的整体实体。



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