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Mapping Global Progress in Education for Sustainable Development in the Lead Up to 'Rio Plus 20'

机译:在“ Rio Plus 20”之前绘制全球可持续发展教育进展图

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As the world prepares for 'Rio plus 20,' questions are being asked regarding the role and impact of education in the attainment of a more sustainable future. Chapter 36 of Agenda 21, a key contribution of the 1992 Rio Earth Summit, consolidated arguments that education is critical to the achievement of sustainable development. It called for action to improve learning opportunities across the globe which challenge unsustainable practices and promote a better quality of life for all. Since then, efforts have gathered pace internationally and have culminated in a United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD 2005-2014). National strategies, multi-stakeholder partnerships, international collaboration and local to regional initiatives have provided exemplars of how learning and education can contribute to a more positive future. Questions are now been asked about the extent to which these practices have been mainstreamed across education systems and opportunities; and, about how we know that these education efforts are making a difference. UNESCO, in particular, is seeking to monitor strategies, processes of learning and outcomes of education for sustainable development. This article reviews international efforts undertaken as part of the UN DESD to map global progress in education for sustainable development and asks the question, "are we learning to change our education systems and practices?"
机译:在全世界为“里约加20”运动做准备的过程中,人们对教育在实现更可持续的未来中的作用和影响提出了疑问。 《 21世纪议程》第36章是1992年里约地球峰会的主要贡献,它进一步表明,教育对实现可持续发展至关重要。它呼吁采取行动,改善全球的学习机会,这些挑战对不可持续的做法提出了挑战,并改善了所有人的生活质量。自那时以来,国际努力在国际上加快步伐,并最终达到了联合国可持续发展教育十年(DESD 2005-2014)。国家战略,多方利益相关者的伙伴关系,国际合作以及地方到区域的举措,为学习和教育如何为更美好的未来做出贡献提供了范例。现在有人问这些做法在教育系统和机会中主流化的程度;关于我们如何知道这些教育工作正在有所作为。特别是教科文组织,正在寻求监测可持续发展的战略,学习过程和教育成果。本文回顾了联合国DESD所做的国际努力,以描绘可持续发展教育的全球进展,并提出一个问题:“我们是否正在学习改变我们的教育系统和做法?”



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