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From volcanic plains to glaciated peaks: Burial, uplift and exhumation history of southern East Greenland after opening of the NE Atlantic


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In southern East Greenland (68-70°N), voluminous flood basalts erupted onto a largely horizontal lava plain near sea level at the Paleocene-Eocene transition when sea-floor spreading started in the NE Atlantic. Based on synthesis of geological observations, stratigraphic landform analysis and apatite fission-track analysis data in 90 rock samples, we show how three regional phases of uplift and exhumation subsequently shaped the present-day margin and controlled the discontinuous history of the Greenland ice sheet. A late Eocene phase of uplift led to formation of a regional erosion surface near sea level (the Upper Planation Surface, UPS). Uplift of the UPS in the late Miocene led to formation of the Lower Planation Surface (LPS) by incision below the uplifted UPS, and a Pliocene phase led to incision of valleys and fjords below the uplifted LPS, leaving mountain peaks reaching 3.7 km above sea level. Local uplift affected the Kangerlussuaq area (~68°N) during early Eocene emplacement of the Kangerlussuaq Intrusion and during late Oligocene block movements, that may be related to the detachment of the Jan Mayen microcontinent from Greenland, while middle Miocene thermal activity, coeval with lava eruptions, heated rocks along a prominent fault within the early Cretaceous to Paleocene Kangerlussuaq Basin. The three regional uplift phases are synchronous with phases in West Greenland, overlap in time with similar events in North America and Europe and also correlate with changes in plate motion. The much higher elevation of East Greenland compared to West Greenland suggests support in the east from the Iceland plume. These observations indicate a connection between mantle convection, changes in plate motion and vertical movements along passive continental margins.
机译:在东格陵兰南部(68-70°N),当东北大西洋开始海底扩散时,古新世-始新世过渡期,大量洪水玄武岩爆发到海平面附近的水平熔岩平原上。基于对90个岩石样品的地质观测,地层地形分析和磷灰石裂变径迹分析数据的综合,我们显示出隆升和发掘的三个区域阶段随后如何塑造了当今的边缘并控制了格陵兰冰盖的不连续历史。始新世晚期隆升导致在海平面附近形成区域侵蚀面(上平面面,UPS)。中新世晚期UPS的隆升导致隆起的UPS下方的切口形成下平面(LPS),上新世相导致隆起的LPS下方的山谷和峡湾的切口,使山峰达到海拔3.7 km水平。在Kangerlussuaq侵入的始新世初期和渐新世块体晚期运动期间,局部隆升影响了Kangerlussuaq地区(〜68°N),这可能与Jan Mayen微大陆从格陵兰的脱离有关,而中新世中期的热活动与白垩纪早期至古新世的Kangerlussuaq盆地内沿突出断层的熔岩喷发,加热的岩石。三个区域隆升阶段与西格陵兰的阶段同步,在时间上与北美和欧洲的类似事件重叠,并且还与板块运动的变化相关。东格陵兰的海拔比西格陵兰的高得多,这表明冰岛羽流对东部的支持。这些观测结果表明地幔对流,板块运动变化和沿被动大陆边缘的垂直运动之间存在联系。



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