首页> 外文期刊>Geotectonics >Geodynamics and Evolution of the Northern East European Platform in the Late Precambrian As Inferred from Regional Seismic Profiling

Geodynamics and Evolution of the Northern East European Platform in the Late Precambrian As Inferred from Regional Seismic Profiling


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The available geological data on the Meso- and Neoproterozoic rocks in the north of the East European Platform are considered, involving the results of a comprehensive study along regional seismic profile I-I that extends for 460 km and crosses the main structural units of the Mezen Syneclise from SW to NE. Many previously unknown structural features of aulacogens filled with thick (up to 4-8 km) sequences of the Meso-and Neoproterozoic sedimentary rocks that make up the preplate complex are demonstrated in this profile. The Riphean rocks are subdivided into three seismostratigraphic sequences: the lower part of the Lower Riphean, the Lower-Middle Riphean, and the Upper Riphean. The geodynamic events in the north of the East European Platform are correlated with those that occurred in its central part and the adjacent foldbelts.
机译:考虑了东欧平台北部中元古代和新元古代岩石的可用地质数据,其中包括沿区域地震剖面II进行的全面研究的结果,该地震剖面延伸了460公里并跨过了Mezen Syneclise的主要结构单元, SW到NE。该剖面图显示了填充有厚(最长4-8 km)中,中,新元古代沉积岩层序的沉积岩的许多以前未知的结构特征。 Riphean岩石被细分为三个地震地层序列:下部Riphean的下部,下部-中Riphean和上部Riphean。东欧平台北部的地球动力学事件与其在中部和相邻褶皱带中发生的事件相关。



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