首页> 外文期刊>Geotechnical testing journal >Reliability Analysis of CPT Measurements for Calculating Undrained Shear Strength

Reliability Analysis of CPT Measurements for Calculating Undrained Shear Strength


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The cone penetration test (CPT) has been widely used in Louisiana to classify soils, measure undrained shear strength (S_u), and identify bearing stratum for driven piles. This paper compares the values of S_u based on CPT measurement with S_u of the unconfined compression test. A total of 752 CPT soundings were collected and archived using ArcGIS software in which 503 were matched with adjacent boreholes and 249 did not have adjacent borehole data available. The dataset was analyzed for general as well as specific trends in order to identify appropriate parameters to be included in the investigation. The calibration of the CPT expression for S_u was conducted using the first order reliability method (FORM) and accounting for all sources of uncertainty. Optimum CPT coefficient (N_kt) values to calculate S_u were computed for various target reliability values. It was determined that the soil classification is the only parameter showing clear trends that affect CPT estimates of the undrained shear strength. Values of #& for each soil type based on the Robertson (1990) classification and the Zhang and Tumay (1999) classification were determined for three target reliability levels. It is obvious that the N_kt coefficient for soils with higher clay content is lower than those with less clay content. A single N_kt value that is valid for all soil types is unwarranted as will lead to acceptable results for some soil conditions and unacceptable results for others, which can be unconservative.
机译:圆锥渗透试验(CPT)已在路易斯安那州广泛用于对土壤进行分类,测量不排水的剪切强度(S_u)并确定打入桩的承载层。本文将基于CPT测量的S_u值与无限制压缩测试的S_u进行比较。使用ArcGIS软件收集并存档了752个CPT测深,其中503个与相邻的钻孔匹配,而249个没有相邻的钻孔数据。分析数据集的总体趋势和特定趋势,以便确定要包括在调查中的适当参数。使用一阶可靠性方法(FORM)对S_u的CPT表达式进行校准,并考虑了所有不确定性来源。针对各种目标可靠性值,计算出用于计算S_u的最佳CPT系数(N_kt)值。可以确定的是,土壤分类是唯一显示清晰趋势的参数,该趋势会影响CPT对不排水剪切强度的估计。根据三个目标可靠性水平,确定了基于Robertson(1990)分类和Zhang and Tumay(1999)分类的每种土壤类型的#&值。显然,粘土含量较高的土壤的N_kt系数低于粘土含量较低的土壤的N_kt系数。对于所有土壤类型均有效的单个N_kt值是不必要的,因为这将导致某些土壤条件的结果可接受,而对于其他土壤条件的结果则不可接受,这可能是不保守的。



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