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Relost and refound: Detection of a paleontoiogicaliy, historically, cinematicaliy(?), and environmentally important solution feature in the carbonate belt of southeastern Pennsylwania


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The following article describes a recent geophysical survey whose purpose was to locate a solution cavity known as the "Port Kennedy Bone Cave" beneath Valley Forge National Historical Park, in the carbonate belt of Southeastern Pennsylvania. The authors must apologize at the out-' set for presenting an. article that leaves out such important details as the actual site location and coordinates or north arrows on the figures. This "if-we-tell-you-we-have-to-kill-you" approach is necessary because the bone cave contains one of the most important middle Pleistocene (Irvingtonian, or -750,000 year-old) fossil deposits in North America. It contains plants, insects, turtles, snakes, birds, and mammals-including giant tapirs, ground sloths, sabre-tooth cats, cheetahs, bears, and mammoths. Some of these fossils were new to science when the cave was discovered by quarry workers in the late 1800s, and were studied by the most famous paleontologists of that time (e.g. Edwin Drinker Cope, Henry C. Mercer, and Charles Wheatley). Some of the fossils from the bone cave are still found nowhere else. This makes the cave a possible target for modern looters if they are foolish enough to face the National Park Service Rangers, and the hazardous materials, and the rumored 150-ton locomotive, which protect its entrance.... But perhaps we should start at the beginning.
机译:以下文章描述了最近的一项地球物理调查,其目的是在宾夕法尼亚州东南部碳酸盐岩带的福奇谷国家历史公园下方找到一个被称为“肯尼迪港骨洞”的溶洞。作者必须为提出的理由而道歉。文章省略了重要的细节,例如实际的站点位置和坐标或图形上的向北箭头。这种“如果我们要杀死您”的方法是必要的,因为骨头洞包含北美最重要的中更新世(伊尔文顿纪或-750,000岁)化石矿床之一。它包含植物,昆虫,乌龟,蛇,鸟类和哺乳动物,包括巨型tap,地面懒惰,剑齿猫,猎豹,熊和猛mm象。 1800年代后期,石料被采石场工作者发现时,其中一些化石才是科学界的新发现,并由当时最著名的古生物学家进行了研究(例如Edwin Drinker Cope,Henry C. Mercer和Charles Wheatley)。骨头洞穴中的一些化石仍然在其他地方找不到。如果他们很愚蠢地面对国家公园管理局护林员,危险材料以及传闻中的重达150吨的机车以保护其进入,那么这使该洞穴成为现代掠夺者的可能目标....但也许我们应该从开始。



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