首页> 外文期刊>Geoforum >Contextualizing public art production in China: The urban sculpture planning system in Shanghai

Contextualizing public art production in China: The urban sculpture planning system in Shanghai


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This research examines urban sculpture production to understand how a public art (called "urban sculpture" in China) scene is produced in the country, using Shanghai as a case study. Theories of Chinese urban planning are innovatively applied. The findings generate theoretical implications for "contextualizing" public art production in geographical studies. All the chief officials in charge of urban sculpture planning in Shanghai were interviewed, and documentary analyses were conducted. The article argues that urban sculptures are conceived of as both symbolic capitals and didactic tools in the cultural policies of Shanghai. Urban sculpture planning plays an important role in coordinating and manipulating development of symbolic resources to advance urban entrepreneurialism within the ideological framework of the Communist Party's leadership. The main features of the urban sculpture planning system of China are twofold: (1) The two-tier planning structure combines a master plan at the municipal level and detailed plans for site analysis and design guidance at the district level, all collaboratively working to create an attractive city image for urban entrepreneurialism. (2) An authoritarian style of planning system controls the contents and expression of urban sculpture within the ideological framework of urban sculpture planning.
机译:这项研究以上海为例,研究了城市雕塑的生产,以了解如何在中国生产公共艺术(在中国称为“城市雕塑”)场景。中国城市规划理论被创新地应用。这些发现为地理研究中的公共艺术生产“情境化”提供了理论意义。采访了上海所有负责城市雕塑规划的首席官员,并进行了文献分析。文章认为,在上海的文化政策中,城市雕塑既被视为象征性首都,又被视为教育工具。城市雕塑规划在协调和操纵象征性资源的开发,以在共产党领导层的意识形态框架内推进城市企业家精神方面发挥着重要作用。中国城市雕塑规划系统的主要特点有两个:(1)两级规划结构结合了市一级的总体规划和区级的详细场地规划和设计指导规划,所有这些工作共同协作吸引城市企业家精神的城市形象。 (2)一种专制的规划体系在城市雕塑规划的思想框架内控制着城市雕塑的内容和表达。



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