首页> 外文期刊>GeoActa >Preliminary observations on the Upper Cretaceous rudist communities from the Alburni Mts. (southern Italy)

Preliminary observations on the Upper Cretaceous rudist communities from the Alburni Mts. (southern Italy)

机译:阿尔本尼山上白垩纪上层白垩纪古群落的初步观察。 (意大利南部)

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The aim of this paper is to present some results of biostratigraphical and paleoecological analyses made on the Upper Cretaceous rudist bearing carbonate sediments from the south-eastern Alburni Mts. (southern Apennines). The study of several sections exposed along the roadway cutting leading from S. Arsenio village to Mt. Carmelo allowed us to define a stratigraphic succession (about 200 m thick) referred to the Santonian age on the basis of benthonic foraminifers and rudist assemblages. Facies analyses evidenced a depositional style typical of an open shelf; the lithotypes are dominated by fine to coarse-grained skeletal packstone-grainstones, floatstones and less frequently rudstones. In these loose sediments, rudists exhibit solitary and different constructing habits according to the recognized deepening and more open upward trend. The lower portion of the succession is characterized by a prevailing presence of radiolitids either isolated or forming small clusters. In the upper portion, large specimens of Vaccinites and Sauvagesia, forming thickets of densely packed specimens, characterize lens-shaped rudist-rich bodies. Sidewise, in grain supported sediments, isolated specimens of hippuritids, radiolitids and caprinids together with colonial corals are present. Sedi-mentological features also support the deepening trend: storm events and current winnowing are more frequent in the lower and shallower part of the succession. Furthermore, the stratigraphic frequency of rudist beds increases going upward as well as the bed's thickness. The Santonian age-assignment was established by the occurrence of Dicyclina schlumbergeri Munier-Chalmas and, in the upper part of the succession, of Keramosphaerina tergestina (Stache) among benthic foraminifers and Jerinella klinae Pejovic, Sauvagesia tenuicostata Polsak, Durania apula Parona, Plagioptychus paradoxus Math-eron, Hippurites colliciatus Woodward, H. nabresinensis Futterer, Vaccinites boehmi (Douville), V. fortisi (Ca-tullo), V. sulcatus (Defrance), V. vredenburgi (Kuehn) among rudists.
机译:本文的目的是介绍一些对东南阿尔本尼山碳酸盐岩沉积的白垩纪上段白垩纪古生物的生物地层和古生态分析的结果。 (亚平宁山脉南部)。从S. Arsenio村到Mt. Mt.的沿道路切割暴露的几个部分的研究。 Carmelo允许我们根据底栖有孔虫和鲁迪斯组合来定义地层序(约200 m厚),以桑顿时代为准。岩相分析证明了典型的开放式沉积作用。岩石类型主要是细粒至粗粒砾石,浮石和较少见的russtone。在这些疏松的沉积物中,根据公认的加深趋势和更开放的趋势,斯图尔特人表现出孤独和不同的构造习惯。演替的下部的特征是普遍存在的孤立或形成小簇的放射性核素。在上部,大块的痘苗和鼠尾草标本形成密集堆积的标本灌木丛,其特征是富含透镜状的斯杜鲁斯体。从侧面看,在谷物支撑的沉积物中,存在着孤立的标本虫,放射性核素和衣藻体标本以及殖民地珊瑚。沉积学特征也支持这种趋势的加深:风暴事件和当前的风选在演替的较低和较浅部分更为频繁。此外,顶床的地层频率随着床的厚度增加而增加。桑托尼亚的年龄分配是由底栖有孔虫和底栖有孔虫和耶利内拉·克利奈·佩约维奇,萨瓦吉斯·特努科斯塔塔·波萨克,杜拉尼亚草纲Math-eron,Hippurites colliciatus Woodward,H。nabresinensis Futterer,Vaccinites boehmi(Douville),V。fortisi(Ca-tullo),V。sulcatus(Defrance),V。vredenburgi(Kuehn)等都来自于鲁道夫。



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